Photo Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth

30 ministers and members of Knesset from eight factions wrote a letter of congratulations to the Azeri Speaker of Parliament, Sahiba Gafarova, and members of the Azeri Parliament on the occasion of opening of an Azeri Embassy in Israel.

“Our congratulations go to you, our friends, the Speaker and members of the Azeri parliament on the opening of the Azeri Embassy in Israel. This is a significant step in advancing the brave cooperation between the two countries and constitutes a natural continuation of centuries-old friendship between the Azeri and Jewish nations, and the Jewish community in Azerbaijan,” the ministers and MKs wrote.


In addition, ministers and members of Knesset wrote that “We share a common and dangerous enemy – the Iranian tyranny that threatens to destroy both our nations. The Ayatollah regime, that cruelly murders its own people and encourages terror throughout the world, uses anti-Semitic propaganda to incite the people of Azerbaijan against the secular government that is respected in the international arena.

“The Persian dictatorship is also making efforts to threaten its northern neighbor by means of force and attempting to establish an Azeri Hezbollah. However all these attempts are in vain. Azerbaijan has proven over and over again that it will not be extorted by threats, and especially not when it has decided to open an embassy in Israel. Israel and her people cherish you.

The letters also states that “We view the November resolution of the French Senate with bewilderment as they call to apply sanctions against Azerbaijan and an embargo on the purchase of gas and oil by the EU. This decision plays into the hands of Iran, who is interested in weakening Azerbaijan, who represents a progressive Shiite-Muslim country that maintains close ties with Israel and the Western world. We hope that they will reconsider their decision.”

The local Jewish community in Azerbaijan expressed its appreciation to the ministers and members of the Israeli Knesset for this letter. “This letter is a significant encouragement for us and a birthday gift to President Ilham Aliyev, a sympathizer of the Jewish people and Israel,” said Rabbi Zamir Isayev, rabbi of the community in Azerbaijan.

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