Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90
Terror gangs have taken over the city of Jenin, August 16, 2021.

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Athani, donated 1 million dollars to NGOs and organizations in Jenin, according to a report in Israel Hayom. The donation takes place after the recent terror attacks emanating from Jenin and the IDF’s attempts to stop the Jenin terrorists. It is unknown if the donation was made with the knowledge and approval of Israel.

The money was delivered by Hussein al-Sheikh, the Secretary General of the PLO Executive Committee and number 2 man in the PLO.


It’s also not known which groups received the money.

Hussein al-Sheikh

The relationship between the Palestinian Authority and Qatar has been strained due to their support for Hamas, but perhaps this indicates a change.

Qatar is considered a patron of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Hamas, and regularly sends money to Gaza, but not via the Palestinian Authority.

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