Photo Credit: C Kyle
The battle of Deir Ezzor, November 2, 2017.

Syrian state media and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported an Israeli air force attack overnight Tuesday in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor, the largest city in eastern Syria and the seventh largest in the country, located 450 km northeast of the capital Damascus, on the banks of the Euphrates River.

According to SOHR, the Syrian air force operates a base in the area, and Iranian militias were deployed near the targeted positions, and regularly move from Iraq to Syria and back through illegal routes.


SOHR reported that unidentified warplanes were flying over the region when a “violent explosion” was heard in the Katibat Al-Radar area on the peak of Harabish Mountain in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

“Three explosions were heard in positions of Iranian militias in the Al-Hamida area in Al-Bokamal near Syrian-Iraqi borders, caused by attacks by unidentified warplanes on these positions. The extension of casualties and materials damages was not revealed,” SOHR reported.

Deir Ezzor was previously attacked by unidentified drones on September 5. The attack destroyed a weapons warehouse of the Iranian proxy militias that was located inside a Deir Ezzor neighborhood.

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