Photo Credit: Israel Police
The MATADOR anti-tank missile and its shoulder-mounted launcher found in the vehicle of a suspected weapons smuggler in northern Israel, Feb. 16, 2024.

Israel Police arrested on Friday a 24 year old Arab man from eastern Jerusalem in possession of a shoulder-fired missile and ammunition thought to be intended for terrorism. A MATADOR type shoulder missile with the operating system, 9 grenades and over 1,000 rounds of belted machine gun ammunition were seized from the suspect’s vehicle near the Karmiel intersection in the north of Israel.


The arrest came when police officers carried out an activity against illegal arms dealers in one of the Galilee Arab towns near Karmiel with the aim of thwarting the transfer of weapons to criminal elements and harming civilians. The bomb squad was called in to deal with the missile

The MATADOR (man-portable, anti-tank, anti-door) shoulder-fired disposable anti-armor and anti-brickwall system was jointly developed by Israel, Germany and Singapore and has been used by Israeli forces in the current war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

From the Hebrew markings on the missile system, it appears to have been stolen from the IDF.

Content from JNS and TPS were used in this report.

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