Photo Credit: Flash 90
Jordan's King Abdullah II

Jordan released a new defense agreement on Sunday with the United States that allows free entry for U.S. forces, aircraft and vehicles.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi told parliament that the pact was “the fruit of long negotiations,” according to an AFP report. “The agreement does not authorize American forces to carry out combat actions within the kingdom,” he told lawmakers, adding that the United States grants Jordan $425 million per year in military aid.


Signed in January, the deal was approved by the Jordanian government last month after skipping parliament.

The report quoted local media website Ammon that the deal will allow U.S. forces to carry and transport weapons in Jordan.

Islamist lawmaker Saleh al-Armuti criticized the process, according to the report, in that it bypassed parliament and called on the government to cancel the agreement, saying it “violates the constitution and affects Jordan’s sovereignty.”

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