Photo Credit: Luke Tress / Flash 90
Anti-government ex-pat Israelis protest against the government's judicial reform plan and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he meets with President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York City on Sept. 20, 2023.

The widely respected Agudath Israel of America organization openly criticized the Biden Administration and Democratic leadership for meddling in the internal affairs of Israel, a sovereign ally.

The organization released its statement on the X (Twitter) social media platform.


“Agudath Israel of America takes no position on the Israeli government’s proposed judicial reforms. But, whatever the merits or shortcomings of that plan, American lawmakers and other government officials, while they are entitled to their opinions, should not be seeking to use their positions of power to meddle in the internal affairs of another sovereign democratic state,” the organization wrote.

“What form, if any, judicial reform in Israel should take is a matter for Israelis to determine, through Israel’s vibrant democratic process.

“The United States would rightly resent another nation’s attempts to influence our own internal political affairs. Members of Congress and other American officials should ponder that and leave Israeli issues to Israelis.”

The American Orthodox pro-Israel advocacy organization Am Echad – an affiliate of Agudath Israel – released a separate statement slamming the harassment and protests taking place in New York against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by ex-pat Israeli leftists.

“As an organization dedicated to advancing the connection between Israel and the Diaspora and deeply concerned for Israel’s safety, we would like to express our dismay at the reckless and inciteful rhetoric adopted by the Israeli protest movement during Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States,” the statement read.

Although the organization did not express an opinion on the “process and content of the judicial reform in Israel” Am Echad warned that the ongoing campaign of harassment against the prime minister is undermining the security of Israel on US soil.

“Protest installations, such as the “Welcome Bibi” projection on Alcatraz and “Don’t Believe Crime Minister Netanyahu” on the United Nations building in New York, stray far from internal Israeli debate about checks and balances. They foment anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiments in the greater American society and world media,” the organization warned.

“Democracy and the right to protest cannot be allowed to metamorphose into attempts to undermine the country itself, and thus the security of its people.

“Nothing can undermine the Israeli efforts against the Iranian nuclear threat like a sign on the United Nations’ building, calling the delegates not to believe Netanyahu’s messages on Iran. Moreover, as lessons of the past have shown us, any anti-Israel messaging in the media immediately translates into an uptick in antisemitic attacks on US Jewry.”

Netanyahu arrived in New York earlier this week with his wife Sara from a quick visit with Elon Musk in San Francisco, to attend the United Nations General Assembly, where he will deliver an address on Friday morning.

Netanyahu has spent the week meeting with world leaders on the sidelines of the UNGA’s 78th session, including US President Joe Biden, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, among others.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.