Photo Credit: YouTube screenshot
Antisemitic activist Nerdeen Kiswani on the Piers Morgan show, Nov 27, 2023.

Antisemitic activist Nerdeen Kiswani on Monday led a march on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that stopped, among other locations, in front of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, to holler at the frightened patients in the window, “Shame,” for the institution’s complicity in the “genocide in Gaza.” I kid you not. As the NY Post reported, she yelled at her angry mob of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters, “Make sure they hear you, they’re in the window.”

The march took place on Dr. Martin Luther King Day, and was titled, “Flood Manhattan for Gaza MLK Day march for healthcare.” The “flood” part was a reference to Hamas’s October 7, 2023 “Operation Al Aqsa Flood,” which resulted in the decapitation and burning of Jewish babies, raping and murder of Jewish women, and the bestial murder of 1,200 innocents, as well as the kidnapping of more than 300.


The mob shouted: “MSK shame on you, you support genocide, too.”

Kiswani’s herd also mobbed a Starbucks and a McDonald’s for making “meals for genocide.”

BTW, the only cancer connection to the war in Gaza is the fact that while the October 7 massacre’s mastermind Yahya Sinwar was in Israeli security prison, he was treated by the country’s top doctors to remove a cancerous growth from his brain.

Sinwar was not the only ruthless beast to receive the best medical treatment at the Israeli taxpayer’s expense. The wife of Hamas bigwig Musa Abu Marzouk, as well as the daughter, granddaughter, and brother-in-law of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, were all given a second chance at life by the Zionists.

Kiswani is the founder of a group calling itself, Within Our Lifetime. A 2023 Canary Mission report says most of the violent, antisemitic rhetoric associated with the group traces back to Kiswani. Mitchell Silber, executive director of Community Security Initiative, a joint UJA-Federation and JCRC-NY program, said, “Within Our Lifetime’s description of itself as pro-Palestinian is a benign interpretation for a group that talks about globalizing the intifada.”

“That was a multi-year, terrorist campaign that killed Israeli civilians, and their motto is ‘globalize it,’” Silber said back in June 2023. “That’s a call for violence here in New York, and frankly, globally.”

In May 2023, NYC Councilmember Inna Vernikov (R) of the 48th District withdrew her support from the CUNY’s School of Law Justice and Auxiliary Service due to continued antisemitism that permeated the city university.

“CUNY School of Law has become an egregious example of that reality,” Vernikov said, citing the example of the CUNY Law School choosing for the commencement speech at its May 12, 2022 graduation ceremony, you guessed it, radical, antisemitic activist Nerdeen Kiswani.

“The content of her speech is similar to displays of Nazi propaganda that can be found in Yad Vashem, Israel’s major Holocaust museum,” Vernikov said.

Here is the full speech, in case you don’t have anything better to do today:

And so, if you have been wondering throughout this report as to why thousands of pro-Hamas demonstrators attacked the country’s best cancer-treating hospital, the answer is, because they are crazed antisemites, and any attempt to understand their motivation would inevitably loop back to the same point: they say and do crazy antisemitic things because they are crazy antisemites.

See? And you thought this article would end on an open-ended note.

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