Photo Credit: COJO

Brooklyn, NY— The Boro Park Jewish Community Council is planning a 2020 Census Drive-Thru event. The event, done in partnership with Yad B’Yad, will take place on Sunday, May 3, from 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on 18th Avenue and 55th through 57th Street.

“It is critical that Boro Park has a 100% participation rate for the census,” says Avi Greenstein, BPJCC CEO.  “Due to COVID-19, the number of census participants right now is very disappointing. We are hopeful, though, that people will want to attend this event, which we are doing to offer the community help and a place to come and ask their census questions.”


The drive-thru event will strictly adhere to all of the social distancing guidelines throughout. During the drive-thru, BPJCC 2020 Census staff will direct participants into carefully regulated car lanes. A volunteer will ask each participant the short nine questions from the census while the driver remains in the vehicle the entire time. The volunteer will fill in the responses on a tablet. No documents are required to participate. Upon the completion of the census survey, the participant will be awarded a generous package of prizes for the family.

It is hoped that through this event, Boro Parks participant numbers will rise, and further awareness will be created for those who are unable to attend. For more information on how to complete the census online, visit, call the BPJCC census guidance counselors at (718) 972-6600 ext. 4633 or email [email protected]. 

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