Photo Credit: Baruch Lytle

The Boro Park Jewish Community Center (BPJCC) held its first Business Breakfast event to usher in its new division, the Boro Park Business Alliance. The event, held at the Renaissance Ballroom in Boro Park, was attended by Joel Eisdorfer, senior adviser to Mayor Adams, Councilman Kalman Yeger, radio host Zev Brenner and many others prominent in local government. Special honors were given to NYC Small Business Services Commissioner Kevin D. Kim for his dedication and service to BPJCC and the Jewish community.

“It’s incredible to see so many businesses come together, vibrant businesses – and Yaeger to give them guidance and the resources to grow even further, Avi Greenstein, CEO of BPJCC told The Jewish Press. The Boro Park Business Alliance’s goal is to incorporate all the Boro Park businesses so they can have a place to reach out to when they need assistance with advocacy, networking and support.


Many of the topics discussed related to the Jewish business world today, including “Employment in Compliance with the Law” and “Avoiding Sales Tax Pitfalls.” 

“You must be paying minimum wage, and you must be paying overtime for anything over 40 hours a week,” Chaim Goldmunzer, CPA of Goldmunzer and Co., told the audience. Goldmunzer pointed out that failures in accounting issues can cost a business up to $5,000 dollars per employee in fines.  

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The centerpiece of the morning was a panel of business owners that included Yossi Itzkowitz of Toys 4 U and Moshe Hauer of Goflow. “If I had to look back, I’d say the biggest challenge was to focus more closely on sales,” said Moshe Hauer. “Often people don’t know where to start (in focusing their efforts). I’ve wasted a lot of time in my life on less important aspects of the business – so I would say focus on sales.”

“I would say the single most important thing in growing my business has been delegation,” said panel speaker David Pilchick, owner of Brooklyn Low Voltage Supply. “Hiring good people, training them and giving them the ability to succeed.” Pilchick said it’s important to allow the employees to come up with ideas and to not interfere with their efforts to be innovative.

Panelist moderator Nesanel Gantz asked the panelists if the advent of online retail was a sign of the end for in-person businesses. “It’s not,” Itzkowitz confirmed.  “Except maybe for those who do not know how to do it well. The winners are local stores, you can never replace the experience of knowing a customer by name, having a relationship. So local is here to stay.”  Itzkowitz also said that at Toys 4 U online, sales are dominant, but in terms of sales margins, brick and mortar shops are still king.

“Boro Park is an industry leader in regards to entrepreneurship,” Councilman Yeger told The Jewish Press, “and the hundreds of millions of dollars of service and infrastructure that happens in our community is a tremendous show of who we are.  So, supporting the BPJCC is a part of my mission of love for my own community.”

Businesses can reach out to the BPJCC at 718-972-6600.

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Baruch Lytle is a Jewish Press staff writer.