Photo Credit: Jewish Press

On one hand, anger is undesirable – Pirkei Avot teaches that the ideal disposition is being slow to anger and quick to be placated (note that there is no mention of one who never gets angry), and the Gemara compares one who acts out in anger to an idol worshiper. On the other hand, the Torah is replete with descriptions of G-d’s anger; if we are meant to emulate Him, does anger not sometimes have a place in our hearts? What about “righteous anger?”

In the face of perceived injustice, our forefathers unreservedly voiced their indignation at G-d. The painful events of the past few months have stirred up many difficult emotions, and for most of us, anger is one of them. Toward our ruthless enemy, toward their supporters, toward all the purveyors of lies and hate, and even toward Hashem.


Like fire, anger must be handled with care and not be left smoldering lest it burn out of control. But it can also ignite resolve, especially when tempered by love for what is good and right. Indeed, passion – that tidal wave of feeling which can move mountains – has been described as “a little bit of love and a little bit of anger.”


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Ziona Greenwald, a contributing editor to The Jewish Press, is a freelance writer and editor and the author of two children's books, “Kalman's Big Questions” and “Tzippi Inside/Out.” She lives with her family in Jerusalem.