Photo Credit: Courtesy
Arab workers at SodaStream's factory in Maaleh Adumim may be replaced by Bedouin in the company's new plant in the Negev.

If you put together everything that every “pro-Palestinian “activist has ever done for actual, real Palestinians….

If you tally all the specific things that Omar Barghouti and Max Blumenthal and Philip Weiss and Ali Abuminah and Great Berlin and Ben White and every single member of Free Gaza, Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada, the BDS Movement, Students for Justice in Palestine, the ISM and others have done to improve the daily lives of Palestinian Arabs over the past twenty years….


You would not approach what Sodastream does for Palestinian Arab families every single day.

Which of these hypocrites are trying to build a factory in Ramallah or Nablus or Jericho that employs 900 workers and pays them good wages? Who among them is working to increase Palestinian exports of goods and services to the huge Arab markets? Who among them is working to create a high-tech Palestinian hub where they could charge Arab nations for their remote services – industries that require little space and can pay well?

Who among them gives a damn about the Palestinians they claim to work on behalf of?

They don’t.

To them, Palestinians are props for their anti-Israel stunts. They are nothing more than pawns. Any Arab that cannot be used as ammunition against Israel is ignored or derided as a collaborator. Any happy Arab employee who works in Mishor Adumin or Atarot Industrial Park is  an enemy of their cause.

You know how many stories about BDS are in Arabic media? Practically none. Because Arabs aren’t being helped one bit by the vitriolic campaign against an Israeli company that does more for Arabs than every “pro-Palestinian” activist combined.

Visit Elder of Ziyon.

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