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Death to All (Zionist) Juice

Here Is Why Being Anti Israel IS Antisemitic:

How many times have you gotten in an argument with an anti Israel troll on the internet and heard them spew words like Israel are Nazis or what we are doing to the Arabs is worse that what the Nazis did to the Jews?!


Besides having a total gap in historical knowledge, these claims are purely antisemitic. Blaming Jews or the Jewish State with Nazism is the same as telling us we bake children blood in our Matzah (The old blood libel that was used as an excuse to boycott and slaughter Jews).

As soon as you call them antisemitic they pull out the “not everyone who is anti-Israel is an antisemite!”


Some anti-Israel activists are simply ignoramuses, but those who know the facts and still blame Israel for genocides that never happened are purebred antisemites!

This is Fatah (Palestinian Authority) NOT Hamas!

Am I pulling out the antisemitic card to try to justify occupying the Arabs? Well, let’s listen to what the Arabs themselves have to say and then you tell me if I am being paranoid!

I listened to this several times and I did not here the word ZIONISTS, only Jews! I also did not hear about the settlements and the call for Jihad did not end with Israel. I heard an old Islamic passage talking about committing genocide against the entire Jewish as well as the American people! If you have a problem with the Jewish State fighting these people then guess what? You are a full fledged antisemitic bastard (excuse my French).

Just in case you thought this was a result of the settlement movement, here is video of the Muslim religious leader who teamed up with, yup, you guessed it, Hitler and way before a single settlement was on the ground!



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