Photo Credit: Ari Fuld
Jerusalem Day 5776 - Overlooking the Kotel Plaza

It’s the 7th of Tishrei. It’s been 3 years since Ari Fuld hy”d was murdered.

Most of us here at the Muqata were friends or acquaintances of Ari, and I am sure that most of our regular readers either knew Ari or watched his videos at one point or another.


All over the world, there are lives that he touched… improved… educated…. He was a clarion of truth and clarity.

When we were speaking about Ari today, one of Ari’s friends showed us a video that was just taken… an IDF officer, a doctor currently serving in the Shomron, was standing next to Ari’s IDF hospitality truck which was visiting his base.

He thanked Miriam for the nosh, and he then talked about how he knew Ari from 17 years ago, when Ari taught him self-defense in elementary school.

That story might make you think it’s a small world, but that’s not true… Ari was simply everywhere.

Some of us here have our own crazy stories of Ari’s truck pulling up in the middle of nowhere (thank you Rami) when we were in Miluim, or when our kids were on duty. Even now, Ari is still there for us.

As you probably know, Ari’s wife’s non-profit has since done a number of additional projects in Ari’s memory, such as helping United Hatzalah purchase dozens of defibrillators, and getting tactical helmets for the Kitat Konenut.

They have a very nice new project they’ve been quietly putting together over the past few months which they hope to announce it within the coming weeks, we’ll let you know about that when we have permission to talk about it.

We have a request for you, our readers.

We know that so many of you have a story of how Ari influenced you or helped you… on his Yahrzeit today, please share them with us and everyone in the comments. It would be a wonderful tribute.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

Jameel and the Muqata Team

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Jameel blogs at the Muqata:, but these days extensively posts on Facebook. Follow Jameel at Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of The Jewish Press.