Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Michael Oren

Twitter last Wednesday night suspended the account of former Israeli ambassador to the United States (2009–2013), former MK (Israel Beiteinu, Kulanu), and former Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Michael Oren, leaving in its place the statement: “Account suspended, Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules.”

UPDATE: Around noon Israel time, Monday, Amb. Oren’s Twitter account came back to life. Twitter claims it made a mistake.


EARLIER on MONDAY: At the moment, it is unclear to anyone outside the Twitter management what rules have been broken. We are trying at this time to find out why Oren’s account was suspended, and hope to update you shortly. Meanwhile, pro-Israel Twitter accounts on two continents have been churning.

The first report came from ScottTheEffenBot very early Thursday morning: “Michael Oren is suspended from Twitter? When did this happen? I mean we all know why = #TwitterBias. But when, and how dare they!”

Jerusalem of Iron: “[Polite expletive] Twitter suspends major Israeli public figure, former MK, historian, author because why? What did he do, dare to defend Israel again?”

David Abramovitz: “Outrageous. And yet @twittersupport continues to do nothing about the vile Covid 48 hashtag comparing creation of the Jewish State to a deadly virus.”

J.E. Dyer: “Seriously? With #Iranian regime & #Hezbollah figures who are never suspended? Michael Oren??”

Colin M. Winston, Ph. D.: “This is a disgrace! As historian myself, I recognize Oren as one of the best. He has always been measured and judicious in his defense of Israel as a diplomat and member of the Knesset. What explanation other than anti-Israel prejudice explains his being banned from Twitter?”

Rabbi E. Poupko: “I was SHOCKED to hear that @jack & @TwitterSupport have removed the @twitter account of @drmichaeloren. Michael Oren is the former Israeli Ambassador to Washington, a Princeton scholar, and a former member of Israeli parliament.”

יוסף חיים לוין: “The things you listed are literally the reasons they banned him.”

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