Photo Credit: Likud
(L to R) Galit Maoz, Yaffa Deri, Sara Netanyahu, Ayala Ben-Gvir, Rivka Goldknopf. Nov. 14, 2022

Most of the wives of the political faction chiefs who will be in the coalition met today at Waldorf Astoria hotel in Jerusalem. At the meeting were Yaffa Deri, Shas’s Aryeh Deri’s wife; Rivka Goldknopf, wife of UTJ’s Yitzchak Goldknopf; Sara Netanyahu, wife of Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu; Galit Maoz, wife of Noam’s Avi Maoz; and Ayala Ben-Gvir, wife of Otzma Yehudit’s Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Revital Smotrich, Religious Zionism’s Bezalel Smotrich’s wife, wasn’t able to make it to the meeting. Her husband Bezalel and Sara’s husband, Bibi, have reportedly not met since Wednesday, when Netanyahu began trying to unfairly squeeze the Religious Zionism party, despite being the second largest party in this potential coalition. The wife of Moshe Gafni, the Degel HaTorah faction in UTJ, was also not at the meeting.


Ayala Ben-Gvir made a wave with her unique fashion statement, wearing her pistol on her hip, instead of in her bag, which is where it is more common for settler women to carry their sidearms.

Ben-Gvir explained in a tweet that she lives in Hebron, is a mother of 6, drives on roads known for their terrorist attacks, and is married to the most threatened man in the country. So yes, she has a gun. Deal with it.

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