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Update: Of the four dead and nine wounded in the shelling attack on the Eshkol Regional Council district, one were actually residents of Eshkol, according to the IDF. Israelis are now being warned to stay away from the Gaza border, including volunteers who have been streaming to the area to distribute food and snacks to IDF soldiers.

7:17pm Sha’ar HaNegev residents warned to remain indoors, in their homes.


6:45pm Four are confirmed dead in deadly mortar attack on the Eshkol Regional Council district.

6:29pm Nine wounded arrive at Be’er Sheva’s Soroka Medical Center. Most are in serious to critical condition. There are also deaths reported in the Hamas rocket attack on the Eshkol region.

6:15pm Channel 2 confirms there are numerous casualties in the Eshkol region rocket attack about 30 minutes ago.

4 seriously, 3 moderate, 3 light.

6:10pm Eshkol Region Municipal Leader: Civilian Non Residents should NOT visit the Eshkol region to give out food and supplies to IDF — you are endangering your lives.

6:05pm Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva: Waiting to receive critically and seriously wounded from Hamas rocket strike in Eshkol region. Emergency trauma rooms on alert with surgical staff streaming in.

6:00pm Breaking News Update: Eshkol region – 10 Israelis wounded in apparent mortar attack from Gaza — 4 in critical condition. 3 in serious, 3 moderate. Medivac Helicopters to evacuate wounded. Magen David Adom (Emergency Medical Services) Mobile ICU ambulances on scene with paramedics and doctors treating wounded.

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