Photo Credit: Flash 90
Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron

A member of the leftist Machsom Watch distinguished herself in Hebron this week in an odd display of insensitivity to the very needs of those for whom she claimed to advocate.

As a result, Leah Shakdiel embarrassed herself rather than the IDF soldiers she had set out to harass.


Shakdiel appeared at the IDF checkpoint with several other members of the organization, but when the group began harassing the soldiers, a call was made to Arutz Sheva TV, and a camera crew was sent out to film the women at “work.”

The man confronting the women on camera is the person who received the call from the soldiers. Following is the video of the encounter with an English-language transcript of what transpired.

LS: Nurit, Nurit, come on please.

A7: She’s afraid, she’s afraid, she’s afraid, she’s afraid. That’s clear.

LS: Of course, because you are a frightening person.

A7: Right, thank G-d.

A7: Here, these sweet Arabs don’t scare you.

LS: No.

A7: A Jew like me frightens you.

LS: Right. Totally, yes. Because you are violent. Violent. They are not violent. They seek peace.

A7: I forget the name of your organization; I only remember your address. The Street of the Traitors, Number 6, right? Hah? You came to give a little ….

LS: See you later …

A7: No, not ‘see you.’ Good bye, but not ‘see you.’

LS: We will keep coming. Don’t worry.

A7: I am also here, you see. Thank G-d, it’s not empty. You come here once in a while when they pay you money. Ofer Ohana. You come here once in a long while, when you are paid money. You see? You see?

LS: The opposite. You are the one who is paid. You get a salary from the Jewish community in Hebron.

A7: You see the difference between me and you? Guys, hello. Do you see the difference between me and you? Look at you.

LS: You see. You receive a salary, that’s clear.

A7: Hanan, shalom. Look. Look at how she is drinking, right in front of Arabs who are fasting on Ramadan. Tell me, aren’t you ashamed? A little consideration. Even I am considerate of their feelings. Look at what a disgrace. Right? She has no shame. Look! You see? There you go.

Arab bystanders: Shame on you! Shame on you. We are fasting. This is Ramadan.

A7: There you go. You see? You’ve made my movie. Good for you. Thank you very much. Shame on you, really. A disgrace. You see? Even your friends…

LS: I understand that you like Ofer Ohana. So you help Ofer.

A7: Lady, I have enough friends here.

LS: You like him?

Arab bystanders: You should not have lifted the water.

A7: You see? You see?

LS: Okay, I really apologize. Him, you like?

A7: Thank you, friend (in Arabic, to Arab bystander)

LS: Him, you like? Him, you like? (incredulous, to Arab bystander)

Arab bystander: Yes. )

A7: You see?

LS: You don’t know him.

A7: You see what this is? You see what you’re doing here? You come and shame yourself. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You came to give ammunition to the enemy. You see? You came to aid the enemy and you emerged degraded, even in the eyes of the enemy.

A7: See how the Holy One, Blessed Be He is good and beneficent to everyone, and He Knows how to get rid of you. He knows how to humiliate you; He has brought you down to the dust. Get into the car and go. Stand before the IDF soldiers and tell them that you are shaming them.

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Rachel Levy is a freelance journalist who has written for Jewish publications in New York, New Jersey and Israel.