Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), which will be celebrated on Sunday, May 13, will also herald the kick-off of The One Jewish People Project campaign, whose goal is to rally Jews across the wide span of observance and affiliation to unite with one simple idea – to make the world a better place, together!  The unique project focusing on kindness, charity and brotherly love has earned wide-spread support from major organizations across the globe including United Hatzalah, WIZO, AKIM, Chai Lifeline and the Shabbat Project.

The campaign will kick off with a celebratory launch week starting on May 13th 2018 and throughout the following week, Jews from around the world will perform acts of kindness- both pledged and spontaneous. These acts will be recorded on a virtual Scroll of Honor to be published around and kept forever by the Jewish People.


Former Israeli Ambassador to Washington, DC, Zalman Shoval praised the initiative, saying, “The One Jewish People Project deserves every support in their important activities.”

“Well done on your exciting initiative,” exalted Rabbi Goldstein, Chief Rabbi South Africa and founder of The Shabbat Project.

In addition to the tireless effort the One Jewish People Project does to promote unity among its brethren, they are currently taking steps to actualize these worthy goals by initiating special unity projects with leading organizations such as PTACH, Ezer Mizion, Yad Sarah, IDFWO and more.

During the coming week, The One Jewish People Project will ‘blitz’ the media with updates in real time as events take place creating a full 24 hours of coverage.

Individuals are invited to submit acts of kindness here: www.ojpp.org/contact-us/ and/or donate to the cause via their Jewcer campaign.

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