Photo Credit: YouTube screenshot
The stage for Tuesday’s rally on the Washington Mall, November 14, 2023.

An estimated 200,000 American Jews led by the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, will be on hand Tuesday at the National Mall in Washington DC in a March for Israel.


Eric Fingerhut, president of the Jewish Federations of North America, told the NY Times on Monday: “Over the last week and a half, it became clear that even though every poll, every data point shows that the American people overwhelmingly support Israel in its battle against Hamas, we were increasingly hearing from opposing voices who are on the fringe but who are very loud.”

According to Fingerhut, the marchers want US politicians to know that the majority of the American people support Israel’s actions in Gaza, in defiance of rising antisemitism which he said was “an attempt to intimidate the Jewish community and others who support Israel.”

According to JTA, the Organizers asked for a permit for 60,000 people on the mall, but are expecting many more, citing the 2002 pro-Israel rally at the height of the Second Intifada, which brought more than 100,000 Jews to DC.

Television star Juliana Margulies, who told an interviewer in 2013, “I love the tradition of Judaism that on Friday nights, Shabbat means ‘Goodbye to the workweek; hello to family and the weekend,’” endorsed Tuesday’s rally, tweeting: “This Tuesday, join the march in Washington. The hostages need you. I need you. We need each other. Be there.”

USA Today said, “The March for Israel is described as a chance to gather in solidarity with the Israeli people and demonstrate commitment to ‘America’s most important ally in the Middle East’ while condemning rising antisemitic violence and harassment and demanding the safe release of 240 hostages Israel says are being held by Hamas and other militant groups.”

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