Ukrainian shelling has wounded three people, including a baby, in downtown Donetsk, TASS reported early Sunday morning, citing the city’s Mayor Alexey Kulemzin who posted on Telegram: “A three-month-old baby, a girl born in 2003 and a woman born in 1975 suffered wounds in a shelling attack on the Voroshilovsky District.” The mayor noted the Ukrainian shelling was carried out “with special brutality.”
Last night we reported that an air raid alert had been declared in all of Ukraine on Saturday and sirens began to sound in southern Ukraine around noon, following a barrage of Russian rockets on the capital Kiev.
Kiev was under a large-scale Russian bombardment on New Year’s Eve. The rockets hit residential buildings and a hotel. At least one person was killed and eight were injured.
Earlier on Sunday, TASS reported that Donetsk and Makeyevka had come under intense Ukrainian fire. The city of Donetsk reported “intense shelling attacks” in the western outskirts of the city. Similar reports came from the city of Makeyevka.
In his New Year’s video message, President Volodymyr Zelensky wished Ukrainians victory and a return to normal life in 2023.
“This year began on February 24 … 311 days have passed. It can still be dark, loud, and difficult for us. But we will definitely never be scared and ashamed … We saw who is who. What friends, enemies, and most importantly, are capable of what we ourselves are capable of… We were told: you have no other options than to surrender. We say: we have no other options for how to win. On February 24, we began to create our victory,” Zelensky said.