Photo Credit: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90
Jewish men light menorahs on Hanukkah in Mea Shearim, December 22, 2022.

As Hanukkah approaches, United Hatzalah has released imperative safety directives to ensure a secure and delightful holiday experience for all.

Guidelines for Lighting the Menorah:

  1. Choose menorahs that are crafted from non-flammable materials such as marble, glass, or metal, steering clear of materials like cardboard, paper, or wood.
  2. Place the menorah on a steady, fire-resistant surface.
  3. Avoid lighting the menorah in proximity to flammable items such as curtains, decorations, or plastic objects.
  4. Protect the menorah from the wind to avert potential fire hazards.
  5. Keep children at a distance from menorahs, lighters, and matches.
  6. Never leave lit menorahs unattended.

Safety Precautions with Oil:

  1. Keep children away from hot frying utensils.
  2. Refrain from spilling water on boiling oil; instead, cover the pan or stove with a damp towel.

Treating Burns:

In the event of a burn, relocate the injured person away from the heat source and promptly seek medical assistance. Rinse the burn area with lukewarm water; avoid the use of cold water or ice. If clothing catches fire, instruct the injured person to stop, drop, and roll on the floor. Extinguish the fire using a blanket. Avoid pulling cloth adhered to the skin; carefully trim the areas around the burned regions to prevent further damage. Abstain from using creams without consulting a medical professional.

Eli Beer, President and Founder of United Hatzalah, remarked, “Every year during Hanukkah, United Hatzalah responds to far too many incidents involving fires and injuries caused by Hanukkah candles being lit in unsafe locations or left unattended without supervision. We also handle numerous emergencies related to burns from candles or hot oil spills affecting both children and adults. We’ve had so many people around us hit with tragedy the last few weeks, please take every step to avoid additional tragedies and ease the strain on medical teams. On behalf of the 7,000 volunteers of United Hatzalah, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of Am Yisrael, a happy and safe Hanukkah.”

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