Photo Credit: YouTube screenshot
The Yes Planet complex in Rishon LeZion.

Over the last few days, two different incidents took place in Rishon LeZion in which Arabs attacked Jews with stones. Three days ago, an elderly Jew returning from fishing in Lake Rishon LeZion was attacked with stones by Arabs as he drove near the Yes Planet complex in the city. The fisherman was injured and sought medical treatment. The incident was publicized by TV presenter Natali Dadon after the victim’s daughter had filed a complaint with the police.

On Monday, journalist Bar Shem-Ur reported that a few days earlier a similar attack had taken place at the exact same location. A Jewish woman, a resident of Rishon LeZion, who was driving home on the same road near the Yes Planet complex, was also attacked while driving by Arabs with stones and bottles. According to Shem-Or, the woman reported the incident to the police that evening but did not receive a response.


“It is interesting to know if, had the first complaint been taken care of, the painful case that ended up in the hospital could have been prevented,” Shem-Ur tweeted.

Shem-Ur attached the response of the police according to which “the case regarding the injured is under investigation.”

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Yehuda Pearl manages HaKol HaYehudi. This article was published in English in cooperation with HaKol Hayudi.