Canned Brigadier General Ofer Winter: IDF Doing It All Wrong

The most crucial prerequisite operative actions would be to send home the entire senior IDF staff, the very people who severed Winter’s career in mid-swing.

Egypt Building Ballistic Missile Launch Sites

Egypt has been obsessed with ballistic missiles since the 1960s.

IAI Introduces ‘Wind Demon’ Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile

Celebrated for its effectiveness and efficiency, the Wind Demon boasts a meager cost-per-hit ratio.

Two IDF Soldiers were Killed Protecting US’s Dysfunctional Aid Pier to Gaza

Two Israeli soldiers were killed protecting US soldiers from Hamas last month.

Israel Staked Out the Villa of Hamas’s Khan Younes Division Commander, Waiting for Muhammad...

Israelis who were forced out of Gush Katif by Ariel Sharon’s government in August 2005 identified the Hamas compound that was erased by the IAF on Saturday night as Neve Dekalim.

Asharq Al Awsat: Sinwar’s Brother to Succeed Al-Deif as Head of Al-Qassam Brigades

Israel believes Al-Deif, and not Sinwar, was the brain behind the Hamas military force and the architect of the massive tunnel strategy.

FT Report: PA Rule in Judea and Samaria Shrinking Fast

For policymakers in the US, the Arab world, and Europe, a reformed Palestinian Authority is the obvious institution to fill the political vacuum in...

Gen. Fox and Jewish Settlers Clash for the Last Time (We Hope)

"The conceptzia that the IDF needs to preserve the Palestinian Authority in order to maintain Israel's security is what turned Jenin and Shechem into Gaza."

NYT: Biden Must Have Some Bibi to Keep Lucid

Biden warned Netanyahu not to retaliate against Iran or he would be on his own.

Russia Warns Israel Not to Transfer Patriot Missiles to Ukraine

Earlier this year, the Israeli Air Force revealed plans to phase out its Patriot batteries, citing their age and intentions to upgrade to more sophisticated, home-made air defense systems.

Report: Israel Creating Hamas-Free Enclaves to Usher in the Day After the War

Hamas executed the leader of the Abu Amra family, accusing him of being open to Israeli proposals.

Report: Israel Planning to Carve Up Gaza into Separate Zones

Some officials are proposing designated zones or enclaves where Gazan civilians who are not affiliated with Hamas could find temporary refuge.

What King Solomon Had to Say about Biden’s Quandary

Oh, how the mighty have fallen – in the ditch of their own digging.

Report: With 60K Northern Israelis Evacuated, IDF Created 5Km ‘Dead Zone’ in South Lebanon

One Hezbollah fighter told the FT: "Asking us to withdraw from the south is like asking a fish not to swim in the sea."

‘Doctors Without Borders’ Attacks Israel for Killing Jihad Terrorist with Medical Day Job

Later, the IDF spokesman posted the video of the elimination along with the announcement that "an Air Force aircraft eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Alwadia.

IDF F-16 Crew Grounded for Attacking Wrong Targets in Gaza

Nevertheless, the Air Force says no damage was caused and there were no victims on the ground in both incidents.

Israel Agrees to Unilateral Daily Ceasefire in South Gaza for Aid Transfers

The decision comes after discussions with the UN and international organizations.

Sinwar: We Have the Israelis Right Where We Want Them

His words callously glorified the loss of innocent lives as a necessary sacrifice for Hamas' cause.

As Gaza Division Commander Resigns over October 7 Failure, his Successor’s Appointment Is Frozen...

While Brig. Gen. Rosenfeld was paralyzed and failed to carry out his mission on October 7, his intended successor, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, was as active and effective as could be imagined.

Showing Incredible Self Restraint, Israeli Guest Does Not Call BBC’s Helena Humphrey a Moron

If you are a student of human behavior, you cannot but feel deep admiration for Conricus, who did not use any one of the varieties of proper responses to her idiocy.

Hamas Clarifies: No Innocent Civilians in Gaza

Hamas admits the “uninvolved residents of Gaza” are a legitimate target.

Revealed: Since October 7 the IDF Rejected 3,120 out of 4,000 Haredim Asking to...

“Meanwhile, some 66,000 Haredi youths were granted deferment of service because of the ‘their Torah study is their vocation’ stipulation.”

Terrorists Kidnap, Kill and Booby-Trap Body of IDF Oketz Canine in Gaza

The soldiers returned to the scene under heavy cover to collect their canine fighter from the alley, but by the time they reached the spot, he had disappeared.

Smotrich: IDF Command Caused October 7, Fears Hezbollah

If Netanyahu continues to promote the outline of the deal as presented by Biden, Smotrich could retire from the government prematurely.

Brigadier General (Ret.) Ofir Winter on Chief Halevi’s War: ‘Hamas Is an Enemy? They’re...

Should Netanyahu win the next election (whether soon or in 2026), he could do worse than appoint Ofer Winter as his Defense Minister.

US Asking UN Security Council to Help Enforce Ceasefire Deal Letting Hamas Fight Another...

And then let’s sit back and watch joyously as Netanyahu’s government falls apart, new elections are declared in Israel, and the extreme left retakes government.

Former Military Intelligence Chief: We Hit Hamas So Badly It Will Never Do another...

Can anyone be so high-up and so dumb and not be on the payroll of a foreign power?

Gallant Set All Time Record for Administrative Detention of Jews

Menachem Begin who founded Gallant's Likud Party attacked the use of administrative detention, comparing it to Nazism.


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