IDF Snow

The elite IDF Alpine Unit training in Mt. Hermon. The Alpine Unit is charged with protecting Mount Hermon region and the civilians who live...

IDF Arrests Four Gazan Infiltrators Near Kibbutz Kissufim

A search of each individual showed that none of the infiltrators was armed.

IAF Attacks Hamas in Gaza in Retaliation for Friday Rocket Attack on Southern Israel

The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets aimed at the city of Ashkelon. No casualties were reported, and no shrapnel from the rockets landed in the area.

Gen. Fox Sidesteps Smotrich to Justify ‘Urgent’ Demolition Rampage in Gush Etzion

According to Smotrich, this was not the first time Fox distorted the nature of demolition actions to evade a proper discussion of the move.

Elbit to Upgrade Singapore’s Chinook, Apache Defenses

Elbit's self-protection suite for aircraft is extremely small and lightweight and has a modular and open architecture with multiple interface abilities.

Ahead of Haag Hearing, Bibi Declares Israel Eager to Leave Gaza

Netanyahu is doing the best he can to survive in an antisemitic world.

The Farewell Letter to His Family Written by IDF Sgt-Maj (res) Ben Zussman, z’l

"If you are reading this, something has probably happened to me . . . I am grateful for the privilege to defend our beautiful land and the people of Israel."

IDF, Shin Bet Eliminate Islamic Jihad Terrorist Killer of Meir Tamari

Tamari, age 32, was murdered on May 30, 2023, in a drive-by shooting attack perpetrated by Arab terrorists on the road near his home.

Home Front Command Holds Nationwide Earthquake Drill

The drill is part of the Israel Defense Forces' annual training exercises for the nation.

Mevo Dotan Terrorist Dies

The terrorist had stabbed a soldier after he got off a bus.

Military Prosecutor, Azaria’s Attorney to Attempt Deal

In the last hearing, the military court of appeals asked the parties to consider a compromise.

IDF Patriot Missiles Shoots Down Syrian Sukhoi Warplane Over Israel

A Syrian Sukhoi warplane crossed over into Israel, flying two kilometers within Israeli territory

Bus Blows Up in Jerusalem, 21 Injured in Terror Attack [video]

21 people are injured. Security forces are trying to determine if it was from a terror attack.

Jerusalem Light Rail Damaged in Stone-Throwing Attacks

The Jerusalem Light Rail makes a convenient target as it passes through an Arab neighborhood.

Desert Fantasy Or Dark Reality? Kuwaiti Paper Says Obama Threatened To Fire On Israeli...

The Israeli decision came, according to al-Jarida, in response to U.S. and Iran secret talks—behind Israel's back—over Iran’s nuclear program.

Israel Bombed Syrian Twice to Knock Out Hezbollah-Bound Missiles

Assad is looking over both shoulders. Israel is suspected of destroying one of his air bases on the western coast, while Turkey is aiding and abetting Al Qaeda terrorists to wage jihad on behalf rebels.

IDF Begins Largest Military Drill in 19 Years

One of the simulations involves an initial attack by the guerrilla group via an “invasion” by dozens of IDF fighters infiltrating border towns.

IAF Bombs Iranian Targets in Syria for 3rd Time in 10 Days

Iran and Hezbollah have in recent years been working to build up a military presence in Syria, a threat that remains a red line for Israel.

Report: Palestinian Authority Sees Israeli Proposal as ‘Bad Joke’

Meanwhile no one has said anything about the PA presenting confidence-building measures to Israel's government.

The 200th Wing for F-35 Produced in Israel Transferred to Lockheed Martin

There are only three factories in the world – in Israel, Italy, and the US.

2 Youths Arrested on Temple Mount

Two teens were arrested on the Temple Mount by Israeli police Tuesday evening for unknown reasons.

Body of ‘Jerusalem Bezeq Terrorist’ Returned to Family, Buried as an ‘Honored Martyr’

Police returned the body of the Bezeq technician-turned-terrorist who murdered a 60-year-old rabbi in the heart of Jerusalem. He was buried as a martyr.

Israeli Air Force Attacked in Aleppo; Explosions in Jordanian Weapons Depot

The flames in Jordan could be seen from the capital Amman, 22 miles away.

Pentagon Asking Congress to Sell Israel 1,725 Bunker Busters

The BLU-109 is a so-called bunker buster, designed to “defeat an enemy’s most critical and hardened targets.

Ultra-Orthodox MK: Media Cameras Are Like Speeding Vehicles

"A journalist who does his work properly and reports on the difficulties of war and the price of war, is a vital tool for communications."

IDF Soldiers Attacked in Several Locations Around Jerusalem

The uptick in Arab terrorist violence is continuing with more attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians.

IDF to Demolish Home of Ariel Industrial Zone Killer Mohammad Soof

The home of Shalom Sofer's killer, Palestinian Authority terrorist Younis Hilan, was scheduled for demolition last week.

Israel Begins Building Its ‘Big Beautiful [Smart] Wall’ Along the Gaza Border

The recently-built security fence along the Egyptian border has dropped the number of infiltrations from the Sinai to zero.


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