Arab Bank Settles NY Fed Court Case over Hamas Terror Attacks

Jordan's Arab Bank agrees to an out-of-court settlement with U.S. citizens over fiscal liability for Hamas terrorist attacks.

Poll: 83% of Israelis Expect Trump to Be Pro-Israel

The poll and the next four years under the new president were the topic of conversation at the Knesset Caucus for Israel-US Relations Monday.

Flood Watch in France Similar to Israel’s Winter Weekend Forecast

On Friday forecasters in Israel are predicting thunderstorms and hail from the north to the northern Negev, with more snow at Mount Hermon.

25 Fires in Southern Israel Started by Gaza Arson Terror Balloons

Dozens of Gaza terrorists also clashed with Israel Defense Forces along the border in advance of the Jerusalem Flag Dance parade.

Beitar Jerusalem Cancels Game Against Barcelona Following Demand That it Not Take Place in...

Israeli Arab MK Sami Abu Shehadeh from Joint List sent a letter to the Barcelona Club claiming that coming to the game against Beitar Jerusalem would hurt the feelings of the Arab fans.

Ministers Apologize to Murdered Otniel Mother: ‘We Could Not Protect You’

Otniel mother and nurse Daphna Meir, z'l, was laid to rest Monday amid formal apologies from Israeli leaders.

PFLP Terror Group Claims Responsibility for Har Nof Massacre

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror organization says it was responsible for the horrific Har Nof massacre Tuesday in Jerusalem.

Police Arrest Arab Who Slapped Haredi Youth on Jerusalem Rail

The 21-year-old suspect from the Beit Hanina neighborhood will be brought to court today, and police are expected to request an extension of his detention.

Jewish Murderers Not “Right Wing Settlers”

The police are not allowing much information to be released.

Hamas Calls Teaneck Jews on Temple Mount ‘Settlers’ (Video)

Arabs say so often that Jews are trying to re-build the Temple that they might end up convincing Jews to do it.

US 2nd Circuit Appeals Court Reverses Anti-Terror Verdict Against Palestinian Authority, PLO

The court case involving the families of terror victims against the Palestinian Authority takes a new turn, and further appeal may be required.

Watch as Deputy FM Hotovely Lauds Trump’s ‘Important, Historic Decision’

"We congratulate President Trump and hope that other countries will follow suit and adopt the policy of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital."

Jordan Reopening Mosque Adjacent to Hurva Synagogue in Heart of Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter

The Sidna Omar mosque was built in the 14th century adjacent to the Ramban synagogue and was instrumental in causing the synagogue’s shutdown.

Shin Bet Exposes Hamas Recruiting Network in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem

Aware that operatives of Hamas’ military wing use Al Aqsa TV for terrorist purposes, the IDF launched an air strike on the channel’s studios in the Gaza Strip on November 12, 2018.

Rare Dead Sea Scroll on Display in Jerusalem

In order to protect the scroll, which is indescribably fragile, it has been encased in a special "smart glass" viewing box that minimizes exposure to light.

Mladenov & Trump Jr. Are Sole Voices Saturday Against Jerusalem Terror

“I am appalled that once again some find it appropriate to justify such attacks as “heroic.”

Arabs, Israeli Security Forces Clash in Northern Jerusalem

Arab rioters continue to clash with Israeli Border Patrol police in Jerusalem's Shuafat neighborhood as violence grows.

Arrests Made as Israel Burns

Israeli security officials cautiously admit at least "some" nationwide fires caused by pyroterrorists but underline dry, windy weather conditions helped.

5 Wounded in Terrorist Ramming Attack Near Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda Market

Netanyahu: Tthey will not overcome us; we will overcome them. We have established an exemplary state with an exemplary army and police force, at a heartrending price."

Temple Mount Activist’s Sister Wonders Why PA Leader Praised Terrorist

The sister of Rabbi Yehuda Glick says she cannot understand why PA leader Abu Mazen praised a would-be killer.

Haredi Bus Passengers Attacked near Mount Olives Cemetery

"I called the police immediately, and after 25 minutes I called again, wondering why they were not coming, and a few minutes afterward they arrived."

Border Police Foil Jerusalem Arab Teen Trying to Smuggle PA Arabs into Jerusalem

The driver was a 19-year-old resident of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Atarot.

Boro Park Vizhnitzer Rabbi Pinchas Shalom Hager, z’l, Passes Away

Boro Park Vizhnitzer Chassidic leader Rabbi Pinchas Shalom Hager, z'l, passes away at age 67.

Gantz: There Is Room in Jerusalem for a Palestinian Capital

In an interview with Sharq Al-Awsat, Gantz said he is willing to compromise on parts of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley, he opposes sovereignty and is against legalizing new settlements, while echoing the peace sentiments of the good old Oslo years.

Arabs Attack Egged Bus in Jerusalem

An Egged bus traveling through eastern Jerusalem was attacked by Arabs Sunday morning. One injury reported.

English-Speaking Ohr Samayach Yeshiva to Build in Eastern Jerusalem

Israelis not only live where the world says they are forbidden but also teach Torah as a Light unto the Nations.

Another Qawasmeh Hamas Member Arrested in Murder of 3 Israeli Teens

Another Hamas terror suspect is arrested in connection with the June 12 kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in Gush Etzion.

Woman Injured in Fall into Shaft near Western Wall

After firefighters extracted her from the shaft, she was transported to the hospital for further care.

Mahmoud Abbas to UNHRC: Recognize ‘Palestine’ to Preserve Two-State Solution

"Palestine will remain the litmus test for this council," Mahmoud Abbas told the UN Human Rights Council.

US Sen. Patrick Leahy Opposes David Friedman’s Confirmation as Ambassador to Israel

Democratic Sen. Leahy doesn't believe David Friedman has the "requisite temperament" to be Ambassador to Israel.


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