Netanyahu: ‘Good Chance We’ll Soon See More Arab Nations Joining Circle of Peace’

"President Trump’s Middle East plan served as a basis for today’s historic peace announcement. "

PM Netanyahu’s Statement on the Collapsed Peace Talks

"The Palestinians substantially violated the understandings that were reached with American involvement."

Israeli President to EU Parliament: No More ‘Negotiations for Negotiations’ Sake’

“One cannot hope to achieve better results while resorting to the same outlooks and tools which have failed time after time previously,” Rivlin said.

Police Shut Down Illegal Fatah Event in Jerusalem

Dozens of Arab rioters threw stones and bottles at the Israeli forces as they were leaving the site.

Netanyahu Offers to Suspend Sovereignty Plans in Exchange for Peace with Saudi Arabia –...

"If we have peace with Saudi Arabia, we are effectively going to bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict," Benjamin Netanyahu said.

Israel, Gulf States Working on Historic ‘Non-Aggression Pact’

If it goes through, the potentially historic agreement – initiated by Israel -- would put an end to the state of conflict between the Gulf states and Israel.

Israel Reiterates Ban Against Flying Flags of Terrorist Groups

Israel's Attorney General has reiterated a ruling that it is against the law to fly a flag from the Hezbollah, Hamas or Islamic State terror groups.

Retired Israeli Diplomats Warn Greenblatt Against Recognizing Jerusalem

The group wants to reverse 50 years of liberation and bring back to holy city its reality of the 1950s and '60s, when foreign tourists used the Mandelbaum Gate crossing to walk through the barbwire fence that divided Jerusalem.

As Peace Talks Wane, Bennett Advising Livni to Negotiate with Aliens

"The question is not whether or not there's a partner – we need to mark a target and take action."

Obama’s Lobbing Yet Another ‘Peace Plan’ at Israel

As Obama starts his march out of office, he once again is threatening to impose a deadly "peace plan" on Israel.

AIPAC Mourns Shimon Peres, Indefatigable Advocate for Justice [video]

AIPAC mourns former Israeli president Shimon Peres, 'indefatigable advocate for justice and human progress.'

A Frustrated Peace Now Calls US Anti-BDS Laws an Attack on Free Speech

In the end, APN's fundamental error—common across the dwindling Left everywhere—is in not recognizing the will of the voter when it supports, through democratically elected officials, laws that strongly push back leftist agendas.

Ethiopia Alarmed by Trump’s Mention of Egypt Blowing Up Its Nile Dam

"It’s a very dangerous situation because Egypt is not going to be able to live that way. And they’ll end up blowing up the dam."

Israeli Right, U.S. Allies Wary Of Renewed Talks With PA

WASHINGTON – Israeli settler leader Dani Dayan has made it his mission over the years to warn members of Congress, particularly Republicans, of the dangers to Israel should it negotiate with Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority.

FIFA Delays Decision on Anti-Israel Resolution

"At this stage it is premature for the Fifa Congress to take any decision." Extension was granted till March 2018 for a compromise.

Trump Administration ‘Deal of the Century’ to Debut in June

Kushner: The plan "will require concessions from both sides but won’t jeopardize the security of Israel."

Israel Responds to UAE: US Initiative a Starting Point to Realize Peace

Israel’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat tweeted that it is “a nice surprise reading a tweet in Hebrew” by a UAE official.

Australian FM Attacks US, New Zealand, on UN Resolution

'Had Australia been a member of the Security Council, it would not have supported last Friday's resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements.'

Egyptian Lawmaker Hit With Shoe for Hosting Israeli Ambassador

Egypt's ambassador presented credentials in Israel, but a Cairo lawmaker got The Shoe for dining with Israel's envoy.

Cairo Cease-fire Talks Moved Up in Deference to Jewish Holidays

Cease-fire negotiations in Cairo between Israel and Gaza terrorist factions are being held Tuesday in deference to Rosh Hashana.

US Mid-East Czar: Settlers Bad

Citing attacks by settlers on Palestinian olive groves, he said, “We also strongly condemn settler violence.”

Project Marking 25th Anniversary of Rabin’s Murder Paints Over Ancient Political Turbulence

As the Oslo process progressed and another interim agreement was signed the country was torn up by strife and rage.

Orthodox Rabbi to be Friedman Adviser

Rabbi Lightstone has served as a regional director of New York NCSY and is a graduate of Yeshiva University.

Israel Issues Permits for Close to 4,000 Housing Starts in Settlement Blocs, Isolated Settlements,...

After having handed out a measly four permits in the past 20 years to the Jewish community of Hebron, it is expected that 30 housing units will be approved there.

Report: White House Notifies Congress of $1B Arms Sale to Morocco in Part 2...

The formal notice to Congress by the State Department about the proposed arms deal launches the processing of the sale.

David Friedman: ‘Palestinians’ Should Have Autonomy Sans Voting Rights, Like Puerto Ricans in US

“Nobody accuses the United States of being an apartheid state,” the former U.S. ambassador to Israel told the Knesset.

Israel-UAE Bilateral Trade Expected to Surpass Billion Dollars by End of 2021

Bilateral trade reached roughly $610 million between January and July 2021, while imports from the UAE to Israel totaled $400 million.

Cabinet OKs ‘Peace Process’ Referendum, Delays Vote on Terrorists

Netanyahu threw a sugar pill at the Cabinet by proposing a change in the Basic Law for a national referendum before giving Israeli land to the PA. The Cabinet is contemplating swallowing the bitter pill – freeing terrorists.


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