ISIS Using ‘Nazi Methods’ to Transform Children into Killers – But That’s Not All

It's not just ISIS that is brainwashing children into becoming parts of The Borg in a future terrorist machine.

Jordan to Play Important NATO Role Against ISIS

King Abdullah’s participation in the upcoming NATO summit will be of “immeasurable illumination” on the strategy of confronting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria (ISIS).

Gantz Exposes Air Base Where Iran Trains Its Proxy Militias in Flying UAVs

"The Kashan base located north of the city of Isfahan is used to train terrorists from Yemen, Iraq, Syria snd Lebanon."

IDF Chief: Israel Won’t Let Iran Continue to Move Advanced Weapons through Iraq

"We are making a great effort, visible and covert, to prevent our enemies from arming themselves with accurate weapons, even at the cost of a confrontation."

Jordan Folds to ISIS Hostage Terror

Jordan has caved to ISIS and agreed to swap a terrorist prisoner for its hostage pilot.

Iranian-Backed Militiamen Warn Iraqi Military Personnel, ‘Stay Away From Americans’

Already on Saturday, rockets and mortar shells were being launched against US targets in Baghdad and Mosul, although no one was physically injured in any of the attacks.

ISIS Grinds Iraq’s Oldest Christian Monastery to Rubble

U.S. soldiers prayed in the ancient monastery during their deployment in Iraq.

ISIS Takes over Key Iraqi City but US Says ‘Don’t Worry, We Will Win’...

Pentagon insists "we will take back" a key Iraqi city, but that might come at the price of handing over Iraq to Iran.

Iraqi Forces Liberate Ramadi from ISIS

Iraqi counter terrorism forces have liberated Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province, from ISIS.

Syria Opens Border Crossing with Iraq, Will Serve an Iranian Bridge to Lebanon

The upgraded Albukamal crossing is expected to serve as an Iranian land bridge through Iraq to Syria and from there to Lebanon, posing a new threat to Israel’s security.

Netanyahu Insists Military Force Needed to Stop Nuclear Iran

Israel remains a lone outpost for those who know that talking to liars is not a diplomatic solution.

Saudi FM: ‘Progress Can Be Made in Arab-Israeli Conflict’

"We all know what a settlement can look like. We just need the political will to do so."

Pentagon: 11 US Troops Injured in Iran Missile Attacks on Iraqi Air Bases

"As previously stated, while no US service members were killed . . . several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast."

CIA, Mossad Collaborated on Killing Hezbollah No. 2 Leader in Damascus

The Washington Post reports the CIA and Mossad collaborated on the 2007 murder in Damascus of the Hezbollah terror group's No. 2 leader.

NATO Calls Emergency Meeting at Turkey’s Request Over ISIS, PKK

A full emergency meeting of NATO has been called for Tuesday in Brussels by Turkey over threats it faces from ISIS and the PKK.

ISIS Giving Away Young Girls as Prizes in Qur’an Competition

A beautiful young girl is the grand prize in the ISIS Ramadan Koran contest. A teenage girl is the prize for 2nd and 3rd place winners.

Will Iraq Become the Next Syria?

Baghdad's new leader faces trouble from his predecessor and a threat from ISIS. Will Iraq become the next Syria?

ISIS Bombs Egyptian National Security Building

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a massive car bomb that injured 29 and ripped apart a building in Cairo early Thursday.

7 Israeli Arabs Accused of Forming ISIS Cell to Strike Police, IDF

Seven Israeli Arabs are indicted Thursday on charges of attempting to form an ISIS cell to attack targets in Israel.

ISIS Issues Tikrit Massacre Video, But Iraqis Won Back City Long Ago

A new ISIS/Da'esh video showing a massacre in Tikrit last summer does not change the fact that the terror group has been routed from the city.

Kerry Says US Will Defeat ISIS but ‘Don’t Ask Me When’

I’m not going to get into timetables. It will happen.

Have the Yezidis Been Forgotten by the International Community?

Since August 2014, the airstrikes against IS have gradually slowed down to a complete halt and the humanitarian aid has slowed down too.

French National Abducted by ISIS Algerian Terror Group

A French citizen is abducted and his life is now threatened by an ISIS group in Algeria.

Israel’s United Nations Amb. Prosor: Watch Out Because You’re Next

"The battle we fight today is the same battle that you all will fight tomorrow." - Ambassador Prosor.

ISIS Harvesting Victims’ Organs to Finance Terror

Plummeting oil prices is starving ISIS treasure chests.

Three Americans Abducted by ‘Militiamen’ in Baghdad

Three Americans were kidnapped from a southern Baghdad neighborhood on Friday.

State Dept. Warns Americans of ‘High Risk’ of Kidnapping Worldwide

New U.S. travel warnings regarding kidnapping and other terrorist threats agains U.S. citizens.

US Contends: ISIS Oil Industry in Syria Crippled by Coalition Air Campaign

US military leaders say Syrian oil revenues to ISIS have been drastically cut by US-led coalition air strikes.

Obama Says US ‘Not At War With Islam’

US President Barack Obama stresses Wednesday that America is "not at war with Islam" but "must confront the twisted ideology terrorists use to recruit" youth.


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