Aleppo Becomes No. 18 on UN ‘Besieged Areas in Syria’ List

Syria's northern city of Aleppo is now officially a "besieged" city under UN criteria.

CIA Captures Al Qaeda Terrorist Who Helped Plot 9/11

CIA nabs Bin Laden’s son-in-law who helped plot 9/ 11 and he is to face an indictment in NY on Friday. The CIA caught up with him in Jordan – after Turkey ignored a US request to extradite him.

Turkey, Iran Talk Unity on Syria as Kremlin Punishes Tehran

Russia is punishing Iran for handing fancy weapons to Hezbollah, while Ankara cozies up to Tehran for trade.

Erdogan to EU: No Visa Waiver for Turks, No Turkish Haven for Refugees

Erdogan threatened that the Turkish migrant deal with the EU "will not be possible" if visa-waiver promises are not kept.

Israeli, Turkish Officials Meet to Mend Broken Ties

Senior Turkish and Israeli officials meet quietly in Italy to begin trying to mend their broken ties.

Is Hamas Setting Up HQ in Turkey After Qatari Expulsion?

Hamas denies reports the group's political bureau chief, Khaled Mashaal, was expelled by long-time patron, Qatar.

American Vet Fought with Syrian Rebels, Now with al Qaeda (Video)

According to at least one news source, Harroun has pledged to fight with Arab Palestinian forces against the Jewish State.

Israel Vows Response if Iran Attacks Israelis in Turkey

“There are Israelis who were minutes from death and do not know it. Another day where we let out a sigh of relief that the attack did not happen.”

Foreign Aerial FireFighters to Leave Tuesday

Foreign firefighting heroes who came to help Israeli firefighters battle nearly 2,000 fires are heading home.

Erdogan: Forget Columbus, Muslims Were First in Americas

Islam expands peacefully, unlike the evil west, Erdogan tells South American Muslims.

UAE Official: Turkish Base in Qatar an ‘Emergency’ that Destabilizes the Region

The UAE and other Arab Gulf states have boycotted Qatar since 2017 and have demanded that it close the base.

Cyprus Asking EU, Greece, Israel for Help in Combating Huge Oil Spill from Syrian...

Israel and Greece have been informed and are on standby to help in keeping with the trilateral agreement they signed with Cyprus.

German Traveler to Dubai Finds Himself on Flight to Tel Aviv

A Muslim German national was startled to discover he was landing in Tel Aviv when he had booked a vacation flight to Dubai.

Erdogan Blames Foreigners for Engineering Corruption Probe

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, sounding more and more like Syrian President Bassar al-Assad, has blamed foreigners for supposedly engineering the corruption probe...

Shi’ite Militia in Iraq & Syria Offers to ‘Liberate’ Golan Heights

"If the Syrian government requests, we are ready to take action to liberate Golan."

‘Jihad Tourism’ on the Rise at Temple Mount

Marriage contracts will now be processed at the Al Aqsa Mosque rather than in a Sharia Court office in eastern Jerusalem.

Turkish Justice Ministry Asking US to Detain Dissident Gülen

The official request claims that the July 15 coup attempt was carried out under Gülen's "command and control."

Iranian Blogger Questioned on Contacts by Shin Bet

The 33-year-old blogger was questioning about her contacts with Iranians, inside Iran.

Russia Sees No Chance of Repairing Relations with Erdoğan

In early February, Turkish president Recep Erdogan sought an audience with President Vladimir Putin, but he is yet to receive an invitation.

Netanyahu: Erdogan is a Liar & Iran Attacked Saudi Arabia, ‘From A to...

The prime minister also commented Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s remarks at the United Nations General Assembly.

Putin Aide: Turkey Made Down Payment on S-400 Systems

The deal, estimated at $2.5 billion, has caused concern among Turkey’s NATO allies, who argued that the Russian system is incompatible with NATO's.

Turkey Offers to Host Muslim Brotherhood Leadership

Turkey has offered to host the Egyptian leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood after their eviction from Qatar.

MK Zoabi: Reparations to Turks an Israeli Admission of Murder

On Monday afternoon Prime Minister Netanyahu and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are expected to announce a reconciliation agreement between their two countries.

EXCLUSIVE: Turkey Working to Take Over Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City

The growing Turkish activity in Jerusalem and its support for the Muslim Brotherhood are of concern to Israel.

Turkey Exposed 10 Israeli Agents in Iran

Yet Erdogan remains among Obama’s key confidants.

Erdogan Apologizes for Downing Russian Plane in Condolence Letter

"The content of the letter is very clear. We express our regret. We say that we are sharing the pain felt by those who lost loved ones. We say that we will pay compensation, if needed."

Lone Wolf Arab Terrorists Inspired by Islamist Incitement

Who's who of the Islamic inciters, inspirers, funders and terror-supporters.

Starling Meets Raven: Turkish FM Meets Hamas Chief Haniyeh

according to Anadolu, Fidan and Haniyeh discussed "a two-state solution for lasting peace.”

High Court Rejects Petitions Against Israel-Turkey Deal

Israel's High Court of Justice says it does not have jurisdiction over "statecraft."


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