Rumors of Erdoğan’s Descent from Failed Jewish Messiah Shabtai Tzvi May Explain his Recent...

Have documents outlining Erdoğan’s own or his familial dealings with secret Jews surfaced, and is that what fuels his latest paranoia?

Smotrich Levies 100% Tarif on Turkish Imports As Long As Erdogan Is President

The resolution to be submitted for the government's approval next week will remain in effect until Erdogan leaves office.

Israeli Physician Recalls Dramatic Rescue of Young Woman in Kahrmanmaras, Turkey

“Our job was to make sure she stayed alive after having suffered so much."

Israel Rescue Teams Ready to Go After 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake Kills 1300 in Turkey...

A rescue mission of Israel's Home Front Command is preparing to leave for Turkey to provide aid in the disaster area.

Erdogan to Rabbis from Islamic States: Antisemitism Is a Crime Against Humanity

It's the nicest Erdogan has been in years to the Jewish State, but, clearly, his essential demands remain the same.

Erdogan Changes UNESCO World Heritage Site Hagia Sophia into a Mosque

Any modification to a listed site requires prior notification to UNESCO and possibly examination by its World Heritage Committee.

Turkey: ‘We Opened the Doors’ for Syrian Refugees into Europe

In accordance with a lucrative deal from the European Union, Ankara has blocked the refugees from leaving for Europe up to this point.

EXCLUSIVE: Turkey Working to Take Over Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City

The growing Turkish activity in Jerusalem and its support for the Muslim Brotherhood are of concern to Israel.

Boeing 737 Splits into 3 Pieces on Runaway in Istanbul

Videos taken after the crash show passengers exiting through holes in the fuselage.

Erdogan Ally Ilhan Omar Abstains on Armenian Genocide Resolution

Remember Omar's notorious "Benjamins" tweet, and her other tweet, about the dual loyalties of American Jews?

Turkey, Russia, Laying Claim to Mediterranean Off-Shore Gas

Since 2009, offshore oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean have been the subject of territorial disputes between Turkey on one side and Greece, Cyprus and Israel on the other.

Watch: Israeli Commandos Rescue Ship in Distress

A foreign trade ship sailing from Turkey that was docking off Israel’s northern shore sent a message of distress.

Turks, Israeli Arabs, PA Slam Netanyahu’s Sovereignty Promise

“Yet another example of how Netanyahu uses electoral politics to justify occupation and undermine the two-state solution.”

US Troops Pullout Plan Not Ready, Turks Eager to Massacre Kurds – Ready or...

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday that the thousands of Turkish troops amassed along the Syrian border would attack whether the US is out or not.

Trump & Erdogan Discuss ‘Slow, Highly Coordinated’ Pullout from Syria

The two men agreed to coordinate in order to prevent formation of a power vacuum as U.S. troops are drawn down from Syria.

Netanyahu: Turkey’s Erdogan is Anti-Semite ‘Obsessed with Israel’

"There has been an improvement. Erdogan used to attack me every two hours and now it is every six hours."

George Soros’ Foundation Fleeing Turkey

In a speech a week ago, Erdoğan attacked "The famous Hungarian Jew Soros."

Israel Bars 90 Turkish Tourists with Fake Visas

The Turks' purpose in the visit was to visit al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, one of the tourists said, stating: “The only dream of the group that consists of mainly young people was to see Jerusalem.”

Turkish Police Arrest Pro-Israel Muslim Leader Adnan Oktar

According to Anadolu, Oktar has been placed on a wanted list issued by Combating Financial Crimes department of the provincial police.

Congress to Ban F-35 Sale to Turkey

Russia and Turkey could run tests to discover the vulnerabilities of the F-35, and once Russia and Turkey have it, Iran will have it as well.

Russia Flipping Partners in Syria ‘De-Escalation’ Zones

One of those zones was supposed to be handed over to Iran, which was planning to rule over the rebel-controlled south, along the Syrian border with Israel and Jordan.

UN: Turkey Violated UN Sanctions, Sold Israeli Technology to Iran

What Turkey has apparently done was sidestep that whole part regarding receiving UNSC approval, and just sold Iran the banned technology -- which was made in Israel.

Watch: Erdogan’s Turkish Pilgrims Take Over Jewish Holy Site Outside Jerusalem

The weekly pestering of Jewish worshipers at the prophet Samuel tomb is apparently a new leap in the scope of Turkish provocation against Israel – with the tacit permission of the Israeli government.

Erdogan, Pope Francis, Find ‘Common Ground’ on Jerusalem

They both can't stand the fact that Israel still insists Jerusalem is its capital, and now a US president is backing them up.

Netanyahu to Macron: Erdogan Should Not Preach to Israel

"Erdogan should not preach to us; he bombs Kurdish villages in Turkey, imprisons journalists, helps Iran evade international sanctions and helps terrorists attack innocents in Gaza and other places."

Hague Prosecutor Closes Case Against Israel over 2010 Flotilla Raid

Prosecutor Bensouda said in a statement: "I have ultimately decided to reaffirm my previous decision of November 6, 2014," in which she ruled that the raid was "not of sufficient gravity."

Abandoned by US, Kurds Surrender to Brutal Mid-East Math, Give Up Secession

The Trump Administration's urgent warnings against Kurdish independence convinced the Iranian-backed militias and the Iraqi government they had a green light from Washington to invade Kurdistan without fear of American intervention.


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