Photo Credit: Gershon Elinson/FLASh90
A young Education Minister Naftali Bennett in the Gvaot Forest. May 15, 2016.

Fires, suspected to be the work of arsonists, ripped through the brush and trees surrounding the village of Gvaot in Gush Etzion on Tuesday.

Smoke from the fire near Gvaot. August 24, 2021, Photo Credit: Elyashiv Levyatan / TPS

Firefighting teams were alerted to the scene and while combatting two fires, a third broke out at yet another location.


More teams and two firefighting planes were dispatched to the scene to assist in the efforts to extinguish the fires, which were spread by the strong dry winds.

Gvaot is home to a community of special needs adults.

The area has previously been hit by Arab arsonists who ignite the fires as a form of terrorism.

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