Photo Credit: Israel's Consulate in New York
BDS demonstration in NY against the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra outside Carnegie Hall. February 2019

“We don’t want your Jew state!” “Intifada, Intifada!” “From the river to the sea . . . “ were just a few of the venomous chants heard in anti-Israel demonstrations held Wednesday in solidarity with the Day of Rage” called by the Palestinian Authority government and Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization to denounce Israeli plans to extend sovereignty to her communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.


The entire thing was moot, however, because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already announced Tuesday night that he had called it off, and no sovereignty would be extended, at least for now. The issue was still under discussion for the time being.

Nevertheless, thousands rallied across the United States on Wednesday, spewing anti-Semitic poison and hate against the State of Israel, as they did in various sites across the pond in the Palestinian Authority.

Protests were held in Brooklyn New York, Washington DC, Chicago, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and in New Mexico; many advocated some form of violence and all called for the destruction of Israel.

At the “Day of Rage” demonstration in Brooklyn, New York, protesters shouted enthusiastically to the beat of a darbuka each line bellowed by an attractive young woman into a large megaphone: “The land that Israel exists on is stolen! ’48 lands are still stolen! Yes – and in Tel Aviv! We don’t wanna just go back to our homes in Gaza and the West Bank! We want ALL of it!

“Genocide since ’48! We don’t want your Jew-State!”

The young woman leading the chant and the women along with her had no accents to their American English whatsoever, so one has to assume they were American-born, or at least had lived in the country a very long time!

One of their male co-revolutionaries, wearing a black-and-white keffiyeh as a neck scarf, also was clearly American. He told the crowd, “When I see an NYPD car burn, I say we’re waking up revolutionary consciousness!

“The police that are around us, they are not our friends,” he said. “We should not speak to them. They are our enemy. They are an IMPEDIMENT TO THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE. THEY ARE TRAINED IN ISRAEL. THEY USE TARGETS, EXPERIENCE ON PALESTINIANS,” he said.

Then he said, “This about a diversity of tactics and strategies that we become ungovernable! When we say, ‘Free Palestine!’ they know we will f—kin’ FREE PALESTINE!”


The same was true on Wednesday in Washington DC where protesters at a “Day of Rage” demonstration chanted “Israel, We know you, You murder children too” while marching from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building.

Some of the other chants, led by rising senior Harvard student Christian Tabash, alternated between “Black Lives Matter!” and “Palestinian Lives Matter!”

You can see where this was going. Tabash also made a point of underlining the “Palestinian movement” is “intrinsically tied to Black Lives Matter,” and called to defund police departments nationwide.

To their credit, the US Republican Jewish Coalition issued a statement in response, saying, “We are horrified by this vicious hatemongering by Black Lives Matter protesters. The Black Lives Matter charter is filled with anti-Israel and antisemitic lies. It is deeply disturbing, but not surprising, to hear those sentiments chanted in the streets of Washington, DC.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.