Photo Credit: Jewish Press

During WWII, my Bubby, may she live and be well, had a Victory Garden near her home. This was a project of the U.S. government, where they gave people a plot of land to grow their own gardens, ensuring a stronger domestic food supply.

Her favorite part of the garden was walking around and seeing all of the beautiful flowers in the spring.


Growing up, her family didn’t have any money; she never got a birthday present until she started working in high school. Even then, she would only allow herself to purchase a flower corsage once a year. I’d bet that corsage made her happier than any kid today getting dozens of presents and toys all year long. Her face still lights up telling me about the corsage she’d buy once a year.

Flowers are Hashem’s present to all of us. It is one thing in this world that you can pick up anywhere and take with you, a little gift saying I made this beautiful world for you, enjoy it!

Hashem wants us to see the beauty in His world and thank him for all the amazing things we have.

To me, flowers symbolize all the good things we have in our lives, big or small.

I am thankful for my Bubby and the appreciation she instilled in me since childhood to be thankful for everything in my life and to express that thanks freely to those around me.

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JJ co-runs DansDeals with his brother, Dan. He lives in Miami with his wife Basha, their son Carmy, and newly added triplets. He received rabbinical ordination and had just started Penn Law when he joined DansDeals.