Parshat Pinchas

Hashem gave us the Torah and we forged a connection with Him. The bond that existed after Har Sinai wasn't temporary, it was tamid, constant.

Rising From The Ashes

Devorah bravely faced the cameras to thank all the many people who were helping them to return to their home.

Do We Really Need Moshiach?

Moshiach, when he comes, will reveal the deeper reasons for every detail of Torah observance – why it is necessary to perform particular mitzvos in specific ways and what each detail accomplishes in the spiritual realm.

Heavy Taxes And Empty Pockets

Another Hebrew word for tax is meches, appearing six times in chapter 31 of Sefer Bamidbar.

Following Moshe

Dignity is not a privilege of birth. Honor is not confined to those with the right parents. In the world defined and created by Torah, everyone is a potential leader.

Never Too Late To Say I’m Sorry

Hurting or upsetting any person is a very serious sin, especially in the eyes of the Creator who created us all and loves all of His children.

The Final Tying Of The Knot

I always go far into things. I’ve always been a seeker. I was looking for tranquility, peacefulness, and accomplishment.

Judge Of Character

Having a good eye means one is able to view others positively on an intellectual level.

Thoughts For A Rainy Day

The next time we face a rainy day, let's not feel down.

The Young Man Who Missed A Fast Day

Ben Zion caught his breath and apologized to Rav Ahron for barging in on him at the airport.

The Eternal Sound Of Our People

If we would have received the entire Torah in written form then parents would not feel the urgency and the obligation to pass on our Torah to the next generation.

The Final Picture

Was this the final recognition of the Jewish people as the true Chosen People?

Don’t Go Through Life As A Zombie

If we view this world just as a place to stay for 90 years, we might live only for the moment and seize fleeting pleasures.

Q & A: Bal Tashchit During The Nine Days (Part I)

Question: May a person eat leftover Shabbos meat in the Nine Days so as not to violate the prohibition of bal tashchit (wastefulness)? Rabbi Yaakov Spivak Rosh Kollel, Kollel Ayshel Avraham Monsey, NY

Not Reckoned Among The Nations

Tanach is perhaps the least self-congratulatory national literature in history. Jews chose to record for history their faults, not their virtues.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Pinchas: The Eternal Man

Higher than the question of our duration is the question of our deserving. Immortality will come to such as are fit for it, and he would be a great soul in future must be a great soul now. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Daf Yomi

Unsaying Words 'He Uttered Hashem’s Name In Vain' (Temurah 3b)

Can A Lender Demand A Lump Sum?

I figured you were giving me a grace on the loan. Of course I will start paying you in monthly $1,000 installments starting from this month.

In Judaism, Religion and Nationhood Coincide

Why did God choose that Israel be blessed by Bilaam? Surely there is the principl “Good things come about through good people” (Tosefta Yoma 4:12). Why did this good thing come about through a bad man?

Why Was the Beis Hamikdash Destroyed?

The pasuk in the beginning of Parshas Eikev says that when we will follow the laws of the Torah, Hashem will guard the bris.

Are You Really ‘With Me’?

If G-d told Balaam not to go with Balak’s men, why did He seemingly “change His mind” and later allow him to go?

The Three Weeks: All Doom And Gloom?

During the Three Weeks, the Rebbe recommended learning more Torah, giving more tzedakah, and increasing activities of ahavas Yisrael.

Don’t Forget About Middos

R’ Yisroel Salanter noted that some people are very careful to observe rabbinic mitzvos…but do not take seriously a Torah prohibition like lashon hara.

Wise Or Correct?

When we make choices, we should try to see all the sides involved and not just our own point of view.

Is It Proper…? Is it necessary to say “Baruch Hashem” or “Thank G-d” every...

Is it necessary to say “Baruch Hashem” or “Thank G-d” every time someone asks you how you are?

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Pinchas: Are We All Sinners?

In Judaism, since sin is not a foregone conclusion, we hold ourselves fully accountable for it. Likewise do we hold others accountable – if not to us, then certainly to God. And so the daughters of Tzelophad put this out about their father – and about everyone else.

A Friend Indeed

We were fortunate to start our trip home. What a thrill to call the insurance company and advise them, “Please cancel my service call.”

The Celestial Phone Call

So why then are we not attentive enough to all of the signs that surround us? I have not the psychological training to analyze this question, but what seems clear is that slumber is not only restricted to our beds.


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