BDS Agitators Fail in ‘Rachel Corrie Country’

An attempt to persuade Univ. of Washington to divest from Israel failed Tuesday in 'Rachel Corrie country.'

New Beach in Ashkelon Gender ‘Separate’

Ashkelon launched a new separate gender beach this week, but only on land.

Haifa Selected ‘Smartest’ City in The Middle East

Haifa was crowned the ‘smartest’ city in the Middle East by the IESE Business School at the University of Navarra in Barcelona.

Missing Teenage Jewish Girl in Samaria

Israel Police asks the public to help find 19-year-old Bat-El Aminov, missing since Tuesday.

PA Hoping to Use Pope As Political Pipebomb

The Palestinian Authority is hoping to use the upcoming visit by Pope Francis as a political pipebomb.

In Israel, A Prosthetic Tailored for a Turtle

An Israeli scientist created a prostethic for a turtle based on the design of a Lockheed-Martin warplane.

Finance Ministry Leaves IDF Empty-Handed

The Finance Ministry has closed its fist over funding to Israel's defense establishment for fiscal 2015.

White House Puts New Lipstick on Old Pig a/k/a Unity Government

Now Hamas is being given a strategy for making acceptable its unalterable hostility towards the Jewish state.

Brandeis Unbecoming: Chloé Speaks In Defense of Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Allow Chloé to help you and those you know how to stop punishing truth and rewarding intimidation.

Witness: Police Choke, Beat 10-year-old

Presumably, Bat Ayin children suspected of price tag crimes, but no charges have been filed; several teens held for more than a week without seeing a lawyer

FM Liberman Announces Knesset Lobby to Support Africa Ties

Ties set to expand between Israel and developing world

BMT’s Rabbi Horowitz Laid to Rest

Hundreds of students, relatives and family friends accompanied Rabbi Moshe Horowitz, rosh yeshiva of Jerusalem's Beit Midrash LeTorah yeshiva,  on his final journey to the...

UCLA Chancellor: Palestinian Supporters Trying to Censor Campus Discussion

The heads of UCLA and the University of California system criticized a student-led pledge that urged candidates for student government to refuse trips to Israel sponsored...

Israeli Engineering Students Take Second Place in Istanbul Competition

Three Israeli students from Ben Gurion University of the Negev won second place at the International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students conference (ICAMES), a world-wide engineering project competition organized by the Engineering Society of Bogazici University in Istanbul.

IDF Forces Arrest Terror Fugitives in Judea, Samaria

IDF soldiers fought their way through gunfire and Molotov cocktails to arrest suspected terrorists in Samaria.

2 Illegal PA Arab Workers Die in Moshav Fire

Two illegal workers from the Palestinian Authority died in a moshav fire near Latrun.

Arab Protesters Arrested on Temple Mount

Six Arab protesters were arrested Tuesday on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after they harassed Jews on the site.

Israel Eliminates ‘Single Parent Family’ in Legal Lexicon

The Knesset has passed an amending eliminating the term “single parent family” from the lexicon of the legal system.

Why is Soros’s Money Kosher, but Sheldon’s Not?

Soros's organizations are quietly trying to influence politics. While Adelson does his influencing openly. Why is only Sheldon attacked?

Lebanon Jews Denounce Israel as Beirut Synagogue Reopens

The Jewish community in Lebanon has officially denounced the State of Israel as the country's sole synagogue prepares to reopen in Beirut.

Rapper Apologizes for Appearing to Mock Jews

U.S. rapper Macklemore apologized after a firestorm over appearing in costume as what looked like an eastern European Jew.

Labor MK Accused of Leaking Classified Info

A Labor party lawmaker has been suspended from membership in subcommittees of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for leaking classified information.

UCLA SJP ‘Violated Principles of Civility, Respect and Inclusion’

Just because speech is constitutionally protected doesn’t mean that it is wise, fair or productive.

Elie Wiesel’s Childhood Romanian Home is Now New Holocaust Center

The Holocaust Cellar will serve as a learning center dedicated to the 13,000 local Jewish Holocaust victims.

Survey: 74% of French Jews Mulling Emigration

95.2% of all respondents to the online survey said they viewed anti-Semitism as “very worrisome” or “worrisome.”

US Soldier Killed in Jordan

US Army Specialist Adrian M. Perkins, 19, of Pine Valley, California, was shot and killed on Saturday. He died in an Amman, Jordan hospital from...

UN to Tackle UNRWA Charter

Palestinians are the only refugee group in the world with a relief organization dedicated to their issue. Other refugee populations have been resettled; why are Palestinians different?

That Extra Bit of Comfort to Birthing in Jerusalem

Having a baby is hard work. But Israel really makes it worth all the effort – starting with one particular hospital in Jerusalem.

Court to Hear Appeal in Activist Death

The International Solidarity Movement claims to be a non-violent protest movement, but why do it's members consistently support violence?

IDF General Staff Visits Kotel

Senior IDF officers visited the Western Wall today to prepare for next week’s Jerusalem Day celebrations in the capital. Members of the IDF Joint Chiefs...


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