Secret Service: Bullet Hit White House

A bullet which hit the exterior window of the White House was stopped by ballistic glass, according to the US Secret Service.  That bullet,...

ISIS Attacks Kill 64 Egyptian Soldiers in Sinai, 42 in El Arish

Some 70 Egyptian soldiers have been killed simultaneously in a multi-prong attack in Sinai.

Quick Takes: News You May Have Missed

Obama To PA: Wait Until After The Elections The Obama administration told the Palestinian Authority it cannot significantly help advance a Palestinian state until after...

IDF Soldier Wounded at Rachel’s Tomb

An IDF soldier is hit in the face, his glasses shattered by metal balls fired by Arab terrorists.

DM Avigdor Liberman: ‘War and Peace Must Have Support of Majority’

Defense Minister Liberman tells IDF generals, "matters of war and peace must express the will and enjoy the support of the majority of the people."

Brussels Soldiers Attacked by Somali Terrorist

Police found among his possessions a fake gun and two copies of the Qur’an.

Obama Lectured Israelis, Promised and Applauded Arab Palestinians

So the west will continue pretending that: the PA is a non-terrorist political group deserving of continuing U.S. aid, the Israeli government is intransigent and unwilling to make concessions, and it is Israel which bears all responsibility for ensuring that a Palestinian state - created in its own image - comes into existence as soon as possible.

Yesh Atid Starting to Disinitegrate

There's much disappointment within Yesh Atid as they head into the oppositions.

100,000 gather in Tahrir Square

As the Muslim Brotherhood and other Egyptian Islamic parties met with Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) today demanding the military steps down by...

Counter Terror: Supermarket Chains Ban Sale of Knives

Two supermarket chains have stopped selling knives. Meat cleavers remain in the butcher section.

Arab Stone-Throwers Arrested in Jerusalem

Security forces were deployed in the area, including some who carried out covert operations.

US Announces Another $90 Million in Aid to Gaza

Samantha Power, the USAID administrator, announced the additional $90 million on the same day that the Pentagon said the temporary pier will cost $90 million less than projected.

Federal Judge Dismisses Alan Gross’ Lawsuit against Government

A federal judge dismissed on Tuesday a lawsuit filed against the U.S. government by Alan Gross, the American-Jewish contractor imprisoned in Cuba since 2009. Judge...

The Virgin of Jerusalem

A recent Jerusalem municipal decision regarding a virgin, angered ultra-Orthodox representatives.

Yankee Come Home: Knesset Marks 100 Years of Jewish-American Involvement in Israel

During the day, an exhibition titled "Stripes, Stars and Magen David" will be launched in the Knesset's Chagall Hall.

White House Admits Assad Used Chemical Weapons

France and Britain have said it. Israel said it categorically. Assad used chemical weapons, the red line for Obama to intervene in Syria. Now the US figures out it’s true – but just a bit. So let’s wait.

R’ Ben Zion Shenker, z’l, The Monarch of Jewish Music Passes

The music of Modzitz will live on forever thanks to the eternal soul of Reb Ben Zion Shenker, z'l.

They Call This A Cease-Fire? Father Of Nine Is Latest Israeli Victim

Police investigators look at one of two cars which blew up on Monday in the city of Yehud in Israel.
AP/Eitan Hess Ashkenazi
Police investigators look at one of two cars which blew up on Monday in the city of Yehud in Israel.

A 51-year-old Israeli shepherd became the latest Jewish fatality in the nine-month-
old Palestinian intifada when his body was found near Hebron Tuesday morning. The killing of Yair Har-Sinai, a father of nine children, was just one in a series of violent incidents this week that gave the lie to the notion that anything approaching a state of lowered hostilities is currently in place.

British PM Abandons Plan to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

U.K. church leaders, European FMs and some Conservative MPs representing heavily Muslim districts all opposed the idea.

US Officials Demand Visiting NY Official Take Off Kippa in Ramallah

NYC Councilman Greenfield stood his ground and walked into the consulate with his kippa on his head.

IDF Shoots Suspected Terrorists in Gaza Strip

Sporadic shooting have been heard in different parts of the Gaza Strip Sunday night.

2 Injured in Mortar Strike in Eshkol

Two people were injured in a mortar strike in the Eshkol region. One was hurt seriously, and the other was lightly injured. They were taken...

Hamas Elects Extra-Extremist Yahya Sinwar to Lead

Sinwar has been the topic of many conversations in Israel's security apparatus, over the growing need to assassinate him.

Chief Rabbi: It’s a Mitzvah to Turn in Negligent Drivers

"Right away take down his license plate number and call the police. It's a mitzvah to tell."

Waze. Outsmarting Google and Facebook. Together.

With the deal Facebook and Waze not yet closed, Google has reportedly jumped into the fray,  making a play for the Israeli start-up company,...

Mughrabi Bridge Reopened to Chagrin of Jerusalem Municipality

The Mughrabi Bridge, the closure of which for safety renovations raised a maelstrom across the Arab world, has been reopened on Wednesday.

Pro-‘Palestine’ Students at Temple U Blame Victim for Altercation

Temple University's SJP claims the pro-Israel Jewish student harassed and provoked them into assaulting him.

How Does One Say ‘Israeli Anime’ in Japanese?

For those readers familiar with Miyazaki, Israel’s newest and most novel effort at tourism outreach in Japan will amuse.


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