Photo Credit: Emil Salman / POOL / Flash 90
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at a government meeting.

The entire concept of “two state solution” must be eradicated from the policy lexicon of the Israeli Government. Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing us in the wrong direction.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday told the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Israel “must separate from the Palestinians,” Bloomberg News reported on Friday, citing an unnamed official source.


No further details were provided by the source, but the news agency noted that the language “was reminiscent of the term ‘disengagement’ that Israel used to refer to its 2005 withdrawal of settlers and soldiers from the Gaza Strip, carried out unilaterally under then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in the absence of peacemaking.”

Netanyahu’s still trying to solve Israel’s security problems by recognizing and negotiating with the terrorists. This crazy distinction between Hamas and Fatah is totally fictional. They are really the same and playing the world for suckers, which unfortunately is too easy when it comes to anything antisemitic. Pretending that Fatah is fundamentally different from Hamas is like trying to cure skin cancer with make-up. And pretending that there can be a “peaceful” Palestinian state sic in the midst of the Land of Israel is the greatest lie of all.

This Israeli attempt to “achieve peace” by “negotiating with the Palestinians” sick reminds me of those who died of lung cancer, because they kept trying to alleviate back pain without having a proper checkup to determine the cause of the back-pain.

The Arab terrorism isn’t due to the fact that Jews are living in Judea, Samaria, Jordan Valley, Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv-Jaffa etc. It’s because the Arab leadership, including Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah want to destroy the State of Israel. Listen carefully to this clip on the PMW site


Abbas admits PA sent terrorists to kill Israelis
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:”I demand [the release of] prisoners because they are human beings, who did what we, we, ordered them to do. We – the [Palestinian] Authority. They should not be punished while we sit at one table negotiating. Besides, they spent many years in prison. How much longer? Do they have to spend all their life in prison and even die there?”Interviewer: “How can we deal with their criteria “bloodstained hands?”

Abbas: “Such talk is illogical talk and I do not accept it. What does a bloodstained hand mean? We were fighting each other. They kill and kill. They hunt down people with planes and tanks and killed. The soldier who kills 50 or 20 persons here and there – are his hands stained with talc powder? They are stained with blood. This is war. One (i.e., Israel) ordered a soldier to kill, and I ordered my son, brother, or others, to carry out the duty of resistance (i.e., euphemism for terror). This person killed and the other person killed. So why say this person’s hands are stained with blood, and [he] must be kept in prison? He is a fighter just like any other fighter. We were in a state of fighting. When a truce is reached, in any country in the world, the past is forgotten… What meaning is there to peace with the Israelis if the wanted continues to be wanted, the prisoner continues to be imprisoned, and the deportee continues to be deported? What am I worth in the eyes of the ordinary [Palestinian] citizen? The ordinary citizen will ask me: ‘What did you get me? You ordered me – you are responsible for me.'”

Official Palestinian Authority TV Feb. 14, 2005 (2 min)

There has never been any official change in this policy.  A Palestinian State will only increase terrorism and insecurity for the State of Israel.

Visit Shiloh Musings.  / Batya Medad

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.