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I look at the Likud and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as those old cellphone service companies. Just like they once seemed so important and crucial to getting the job done, now it looks like we Israelis have been suckered.

Early in this war the Israeli public was pretty much 100% behind Bibi. That’s when it looked like he was going to send in the troops and destroy the Hamas Arab terror infrastructure in Gaza. I still get all choked up when I quote the mother of a wounded IDF soldier who when asked what message to send to her other son who was fighting in Gaza.

Finish the job! Sayyem et a missima!סיים את המסימה!


At that time, polls gave Netanyahu 82%; now he is down to 39%.  Hat tip IMRA:

Panels Poll: Netanyahu rating today 38% Good, down from 82% on 23 July Dr. Aaron Lerner 25 August 2014 Internet based polling of Panels Politics for Israel Television Channel 2 carried out today and broadcast on the evening news. How would you term the performance of PM Netanyahu in the last week? Good 38% Bad 50% Don’t know/refuse reply 12% Percent good by polling date: 21 August 55% 5 August 63% 23 July 82% How do you rate the Government’s handling of the residents of the South? Good 24% Bad 68% Should the schools open? Entire country 18% Not in South 63% Not to open anywhere 15%

G-d willing, next elections the Israeli voting public will vote using the knowledge it has picked up these last few weeks. Instead of voting Likud, headed by Binyamin Netanyahu who has campaigned as a Centrist or NRP aka Jewish Home, headed by Naftali Bennett whose campaign promise was that he would be a member of Bibi’s cabinet, Israelis should vote for the unabashedly Jewish Right, like Otzma l’Yisrael, Power to Israel which in the last elections was headed by Aryeh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari.

We’ve been suckers long enough. It’s time to have a government that cares more for the Jewish State of Israel than anything else!

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.