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I’m hoping to finish the mesechte I’m currently learning, Mo’ed Katan. I’m not doing so because there’s a unique connection between Mo’ed Katan and Shavuos. It just happens to be my current mesechte and I’m chalashing for the hours of limud afforded by the Yom Tov.

— Rabbi Lawrence (Leib) Keleman, rosh kollel of the Center for Kehillah Development in Yerushalayim



The beginning of Maseches Zevachim.

— Rabbi Gil Student, editor-in-cheif of


Aside from going to shirum on various topics, I always enjoy learning Midrash, especially Midrash Rabbah on Ruth.

— Zev Brenner, president of Talkline Communications


Rav Hirsch’s peirush on Sefer Tehillim and the Ramchal’s Ma’amar HaGeulah.

— Myles Kantor, op-ed contributor to The Jewish Press


I will be giving a shiur Shavuos night on “The Many Mitzvos That Apply Today Based on the Mishkan.” It’s usually thought that the mitzvos dealing with the Mishkan have little or no practical relevance to us today. That is not at all the case.

— Professor Nathan Aviezer, Bar-Ilan University


Yoma. Gotta catch up on the Daf Yomi!

— Rabbi Ben Packer, director of the Jerusalem Heritage House


For the last five years, I have not stayed up Shavout night. I made this decision because, while my learning was good, my davening was horrible. In Israel, Shavuot is just one day, so we do everything – long davening, Megillat Ruth, Akdamot, Aseret HaDibrot, and even Yizkor – all in one Shavuot morning davening. When I stayed up all night, I found that I was looking at the clock the entire time thinking; “When is this davening going to end?!” I hated that feeling!

Therefore, I learn until midnight – this year my focus will be on the upcoming shmittah year – and then I get a good night’s sleep so that I come to shul in the morning ready to accept the Torah with vigor and excitement!

— Shmuel Sackett, director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation


I plan to focus on learning the six volumes of the Nevi’im Rishonim. Whatever’s left over will be my learning throughout the chag.

— Rabbi Dov Fischer, rav of the Young Israel of Orange County


Gemara. It’s a chance to catch up and review the Daf.

—Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values


Since it’s the first Shavuot since my beloved teacher and life coach HaRav HaGaon Dovid Feinstein, zt”l, passed, it will be his sefer, Kol Dodi on Megillat Ruth.

— Rafael Grunfeld, a partner at Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP


The daf and whatever any of my children or grandchildren who will be with us for Yom Tov, b’ezras Hashem, would like to learn.

— Dr. David Luchins, chair of Touro College’s political science department


I’m speaking in two different communities on leil Shavuot. The titles for my two talks are “The Artwork of Hashem: Finding Emunah and Inspiration on Fifth Avenue’s Museum Row” and “David Shepherd of Israel: Appreciating our Greatest King on the Anniversary of his Yartzeit.”

— Rabbi Gideon Shloush, rav of Congregation Adereth El


I’m planning to learn and teach the commentary of the Alshich HaKadosh to Megillas Rus.

— Rabbi YY Rubinstein, noted author and lecturer


I don’t stay up past 1:00 a.m. on Shavuot night. I learn the daf at about midnight and then I go to sleep.

— Rabbi Harry Maryles, author of Emes Ve-Emunah blog


I’m speaking at my shul, the Young Israel of Hollywood, on why we were created, seeing Hashem’s hand in everyday life, what happens when we die etc.

— Avi Ciment, frequent Jewish Press op-ed contributor


I plan to do my best to review the Torah I have learned the past year.

— Rabbi Reuven Taragin, dean of overseas students for Yeshivat Hakotel


Hilchos Basar v’Chalav.

— Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America


I plan to review the Daf Yomi from the beginning of Yoma until, hopefully, close to where we’re up to.

— Boruch Twersky, scion of the Chernobyl chassidic dynasty


I like to do two things on Shavuos night:

1) Study a Tosafot in Bava Basra called “Lefichach.” It’s one of the longest Tosafot and an exquisite paradigm of how a Tosafot operates. Whoever goes through it will see how exhilarating Talmud/Tosafot study can be. It should take three and a half hours.

2) Study I Kings, chap. 16-22. These chapters concern Achav and his wife Jezebel and how they led the prophets of Israel to become false prophets – twisting the word of G-d to advocate idolatry, softening the country so that enemies from without could conquer it, and redefining values so that hedonism became holy and a “civil right.” These chapters are exceedingly relevant today.

— Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Caucus for America


I’m teaching Medrash Rus along with some mefarshim on Sefer Rus.

­— Rabbi Yaakov Klass, Torah Editor of The Jewish Press


I learn every evening over the phone with my grandson in Houston, Texas. He will be visiting us in Far Rockaway, NY, for Yom Tov, so I expect to be reviewing Mesechta Chagigah with him, which is what we’re learning now.

— Rabbi Pesach Lerner, chair, Eretz Hakodesh



— Nachman Mostofsky, executive director of Amariah


Sefer Atzeres by Rabbi Nachman HaLevi Tzelnik.

— Rabbi Yehuda Levin, radio talk show host, 620 AM


I will studying Rav Soloveitchik’s new Chumash with Rashi and Ramban.

— Professor Jeffrey Poelvoorde, Converse College


I’ve been learning Meseches Eruvin recently so that’s what I’ll be learning Shavuos night.

— Yaakov Kornreich, writer

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