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Normally, I enjoy air travel. But the night before a recent flight to Los Cabos, Mexico, I developed an excruciating earache. I tried nursing it with organic eardrops, but by the time we arrived at the airport, the pain had only intensified.

My husband was surprised that I had agreed to travel in this condition. As it turned out, the flight was uneventful, and I managed to arrive at our destination in fair spirits. We were scheduled to visit the local Chabad Center for the Minchah/Ma’ariv services shortly after our arrival. I planned to ask the rebbetzin for the name of a local doctor.


While checking in at the front desk at our resort hotel, a man called out to us, “Are you having problems? If so, call Rabbi Benny.”

Startled, we told him that we already knew Rabbi Benny, and that we were planning to get directions to his Chabad center for evening services. The man responded, “No problem. I will take you there.”

We gratefully agreed to meet him after unpacking our bags for the ride to the Chabad center. On the way there, I asked him if he knew of a local doctor, as by then my earache had significantly worsened. I could hardly swallow on the left side of my throat.

Amazingly, he responded, “I am a doctor.”

I asked incredulously, “Are you really a doctor?”

He said, “Yes. When I met you in the lobby, I was there to see a patient.”

By the time we got over this miracle, we arrived at our destination. The doctor introduced himself as Dr. Mark Head.

After davening with a group of tourists from around the world, we were all invited to dinner. As we proceeded to sit down, Dr. Head appeared and handed me a bag full of medications.

Here I was sitting at a Chabad center in Los Cabos, Mexico, being treated royally by a mystery physician. Hashem does wonders! We felt that Dr. Head was an angel from heaven.

We found a great friend in Mark, as he also took it upon himself to be our tour guide.

We thank Hashem for this amazing event.

Never forget to look around in a time of need. You never know which angels Hashem has sent to help you in your predicament.

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