Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Police vs. protesters at rally demanding an investigation into the death of Ahuvya Sandak. Nov. 6, 2021

The entrance to Jerusalem was stormy Saturday night when 21 demonstrators were arrested during protests following the death of Ahuvya (Ahuvia) Sandak during a police chase in Binyamin about a year ago.

Some 500 protestors demonstrated at the entrance to the city, blocked the main route, and clashed with police. The protesters are demanding a proper and full investigation into the boy’s death.

Protesters blocking the street for Ahuvya Sandak. Nov. 6, 2021. Credit: Shelav Shalom / TPS

The police claim that four officers were lightly injured and two police vehicles were damaged during the protests.

Protesters holding up a sign for Ahuvya Sandak. Nov. 6, 2021. Credit: Shelav Shalom / TPS

The detainees complained of severe police violence during the arrests. Police also used a water cannon to disperse the protesters.

Credit: Shelav Shalom / TPS

Member of Knesset (MK) Itamar Ben Gvir, one of the MKs present at the protest, accused the police of discriminating against right-wing protestors and using excessive violence against them.

Israeli police officers clash with demonstrators during a protest following the death of Ahuvia Sandak last year, at the entrance to Jerusalem, November 6, 2021. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 

Sandak, 16, was killed in December 2020 when the car he was driving in with another four youth was being chased by the police and overturned during the high-speed pursuit.

An initial inquiry shows that the police car rammed them from behind and caused the deadly accident. Furthermore, the police failed to properly deal with the site of the accident, which protesters claim resulted in the death of the boy.

The police claim the Sandak and the four others were involved in throwing rocks at Arabs.

Internal Affairs has launched an investigation, and reports indicate that at least one policeman will be charged in the case in the near future.

These reports and the upcoming anniversary of Sandak’s death have reignited protests in recent days after months of quiet on the issue.

Sandak’s family is demanding that the officers involved in the incident be charged with murder.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.