Photo Credit: pixabay

What is it like to actually HAVE the coronavirus? Well for some, it kills and for others, it can be barely felt. However, those who are sick and do not dies, are extremely ill, and in terrible pain. Tamar plays a recording of a NY resident where he painfully describes what it is like to have the coronavirus, and it isn’t pretty. WARNING: this audio is very dramatic and it may be disturbing for sensitive people.
This program is a two hour special, we talk about Prime Minister Netanyahu telling people to pray to G-d. We also discuss the financial repercussions of the country’s (and world’s) close-down, and take an historical and spiritual look at what we are experiencing today.

-with guests:


Alan Silver, from his A. Silver Newsgroup on whatsapp

Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, author of the book: Muslim Winter

Shifra Hoffman of


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