Photo Credit: Emil Salman, GPO POOL
AG Mandelblit and Netanyahu

It appears that Israel Police will recommend issuing an indictment against Prime Minister Netanyahu over the “gifts scandal,” a.k.a. “Case 1,000,” Israel’s Channel 2 News reported Friday night.

According to the report, the police will require between four and six weeks to solidify it recommendation to the prosecution, a period during which the prime minister is expected to be interrogated at least one more time. Police are not sure yet whether the recommended indictment will be only for fraud and breach of trust, or also for taking a bribe.


According to Channel 2, the indictments in Case 1,000 will be issued regardless of the status of the other investigations which are in motion against Netanyahu.

Meanwhile, according to Israel’s Channel 10 News, Sara Netanyahu, the PM’s wife, has already revealed the defense’s strategy, by claiming her husband had had no knowledge of the gifts she received from his tycoon friends Arnon Milchan and James Packer.

Mrs. Netanyahu’s version of events has been, reportedly, “I have a close relationship with Milchan, he calls me ‘my sister.’ Bibi really had no idea I was getting wine from him, it wasn’t on his radar.”

Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan is part owner of Channel 10, which is under the control of the Ministry of Communications, and the Minister of Communications is one Benjamin Netanyahu.

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