The Shabak (Shin Bet) released a statement that the latest arson attack in Duma was not committed by Jews. The rest of the details of the investigation remain under a gag order.

According to Channel 10, one resident of Duma claims he saw Chareidi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews running away, while another members of the Dawabshe clan says the Shin Bet is lying, and it was settlers who threw the firebomb into the house last night.


The home that was attacked belongs to Ibrahim Dawabshe, the man who claims to have witnessed the attack that killed three members of the Dawabshe family in July 2015.

Ibrahim claims he saw two arsonists in July, and his testimony contradicts that of the Shin Bet, which claims that only one person was involved in the attack. The Shin Bet obtained their confession from the suspect through torture.

There is also an 18-year-old feud going on in the village, and quite a number of unexplained arson attacks. This is the second fire since the July 2015 attack and the fifth fire in the past year.

Palestinian Authority investigators said the previous fire was due to an electrical short, after some initial confusion on the villager’s part as to whether or not there was a firebomb. Israeli investigators were not allowed in to check for themselves.

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