Photo Credit: Flash 90
Terrorists attack Israeli soldiers with a Molotov cocktail in Arab village riot near Beit El and Ramallah.

One or more Palestinian Authority terrorists hurled a firebomb Sunday night at a home in the Jewish community of Beit El, in the Binyamin region of Samaria. No one was injured, and the attackers fled.

If the Arabs had “succeeded” by burning the house to the ground and wounding or killing the residents, the establishment media would have been all over the story.


But, like rock-throwing, it was barely reported.

That is how the center-left media moguls, including the government-funded electronic media, keep most Israelis in the dark. When a major terrorist attack occurs in Judea and Samaria, it is reported as if it out of the ordinary, an assumed sign of escalation, of an intifada, of the need for the government to take stock of why it allows Jews to remain in Judea and Samaria, unwanted by Arab terrorists.

Throwing rocks and firebombs at Israeli citizens and soldiers are daily events. It is not an intifada and it is not a war. It is carried out by a minority of Arabs, almost all of them under 30 and who have been fed 20 years of incitement by official Palestinian Authority media to hate Jews and to become martyrs.

The JNS news agency ran an interesting article this week that the Islamic State slave markets, and the ISIS’ treatment of young girls as objects of merchandise, operate with nary a whisper from the mainstream Muslim community.

Similarly, the majority of Palestinian Authority Arabs may not love Israel but they are not interested in an intifada. They know their own Palestinian Authority is a terrible alternative to the “occupation,” but they are afraid to speak out because of fear of punishment by the criminals, who do not even deserve the title ”terrorists.”

Israel’s establishment media is just as much to blame.

The attacks are on “settlers,” so they don’t merit coverage, unless someone is killed or seriously injured.

But when a couple of right-wing criminals, and that is what they are, set fire to an Arab-Israeli co-existence school, or post pictures of Tzipi Livni and other officials in Nazi uniforms, the broadcasters on Israel Radio rush to the microphone to resurrect the ghost of the blood libel aghast the national religious community for the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.