Photo Credit: IDF photo
Holocaust survivor Eva Levi and her granddaughter-IDF soldier.

One day, all the people on Schindler’s list were collected. A Nazi officer began to read the names and when he called me and saw that I was just a little girl, he turned to Schindler and shouted: “Are you crazy! Does she look like a weapons professional? She’s just a girl!” Oscar replied that it was not a problem: he had taught me to handle a very specific job that only my fingers could accomplish on the weapons. This scene also appears in the movie “Schindler’s List.” So we managed to be transferred Czechoslovakia. There, it was different and easier because Schindler was responsible for us and not the Germans.

It is from this camp in Czechoslovakia that we were released. On the day of liberation, Schindler was not there and we didn’t know what was going to happen. Suddenly, we saw a Russian soldier on horseback at the gate. As I was the smallest, people gave me flowers and I ran to the soldier. When he saw me, he put me on his horse and we returned together into camp.


In the 50s, my family made Aliyah (immigrated) to Israel. I went to live in a kibbutz, which was really wonderful. I started going to school, eventually took the matriculation exam and then went to the army. I served in the Air Force. In my family, the Air Force is in our veins. It is there that I met my husband. My son also joined the joined the Israel Defense Forces.

Having experienced the horror of the camps, of Auschwitz, all the death and fear, I am always moved when I see our army, our soldiers and our flag. I truly love the IDF with all my heart. Today, Anne, my eldest granddaughter is in the army. I am so proud of her and so happy. The IDF is one of the things I hold most dear. I have two other grandchildren, sons, and I am sure they too will do their military service. I am so proud of them – it fills me with joy.

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