Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks to the press as he arrives at Ben Gurion International Airport, October 19, 2023.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the UK landed in Israel Thursday and will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Sunak plans to add his voice to President Biden’s in demanding humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip regardless of any Hamas concession for the 204 Israeli abductees there.

So far, the Red Cross has yet to visit any of the Israeli men, women, children, and babies who were kidnapped from their homes near the Gaza Strip border on Shabbat Simchat Torah, October 7.


Sunak, who did not propose reliable means for Israel to control whether Gazan civilians or armed and ruthless Hamas Nazi thugs get their hands on the humanitarian supplies, also plans to demand that Israel immediately open a route in Gaza for British citizens who are trapped there to be able to leave.

Upon landing, Sunak told reporters that the UK and he stand by Israel, and said he was looking forward to his meetings with PM Netanyahu and President Herzog, in the hope that these would be useful meetings.

Later on Thursday, Sunak will meet with representatives of the families of the abductees, following which the British PM will hit several “capitals in the region,” most likely Cairo and Amman.

On Wednesday, PM Sunak advised British MPs not to rush to judgment over the explosion at al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza that reportedly killed hundreds of civilians. The PM was repeatedly urged by Labour leader Keir Starmer to “remind Israel to respect international law.” Sunak said British intelligence was working at a fast clip to analyze the evidence and “to get to the bottom” of the unfortunate incident.

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