Photo Credit: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90
A patient receives flu vaccination at a Clalit health center in Tel Aviv, October 14, 2020.

Israel may be looking at a Winter without the flu. The major concern in the health system about a double-pandemic this winter – the “normal” flu and the new visitor coronavirus – is not materializing for the time being,

According to a Wednesday report by the Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC), so far there have been zero cases of influenza reported, in contrast to previous years in which the first signs and cases of influenza had already appeared by mid-November.


It is estimated that wearing facemasks, especially among the high-risk citizens, may also reduce flu exposure. In any event, influenza virus and influenza-like viruses activity currently resemble the summer or the transition season, rather than their typical activity at the beginning of winter.

This is consistent with reports coming from the rest of the world according to the World Health Organization, as well as the winter that has ended in the southern hemisphere.

The Ministry of Health is calling on the Israeli public to get vaccinated despite this information, but one may wish to consult one’s physician first.

Wednesday saw 511 new coronavirus patients in Israel out of 29,271 tests, with 8,021 active patients, out of whom 305 are in critical condition with 132 on ventilators. So far, 2,700 have perished from the pandemic in Israel.

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