There is a lot of rage on Arab social media channels against the Israeli-Arabs who helped in the capture of four out of the six escaped terrorists from Gilboa prison. The father of captured fugitive Mohammed Aarda was even crying in an interview that Arabs betrayed Arabs, instead of giving them food. Arab MKs have been calling the fugitives political prisoners and declaring their support for them.

But out on the streets, a number of Israeli-Arabs the fugitives approached not only refused to help the fugitives but even called in their exact locations to the police.


Despite the many threats on social media, police don’t believe there is any concrete threats to the good citizens’ lives, according to a report on Kan News.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has called on the police to confirm these citizens have have maximum protection.

Investigators are also checking if the fugitives received any assistance from Israeli-Arabs. It appears the fugitives’ plan was to rely on help from Israeli-Arabs once they got outside the prison walls.

Israeli-Arabs who are open supporters of the escaped terrorists demonstrated in solidarity outside the Nazareth court house to welcome the terrorists. Clearly the escaped terrorists approached the wrong people.

An Israel-Arab reporter for Channel 13 at the scene was physically harassed by some of the solidarity protesters as he tried to interview them, with them declaring they won’t talk to Israeli media.

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