Photo Credit: Chad Davis / Flickr / CC2.0
U.S. Rep Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush speak at the Mississippi River in Minneapolis asking for President Biden to stop Line 3 pipeline construction.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) attacked the American Israel Public Affairs Committee after the organization tagged her in the sharing of an X post that highlighted the systemic sexual violence used by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.

On Feb. 21, CNN anchor Bianna Golodryga created a series of “threaded” X postings that began, “Excerpts from today’s report on Hamas’ sexual violence during and after Oct 7th from ARCCI submitted to the U.N. ‘Analysis of the data reveals that sexual and gender-based violence systematically occurred in all arenas where the Oct 7th massacre occurred, as well as in captivity.’”


Golodryga then followed with six more posts presenting details and testimony of the atrocities.

AIPAC shared the first post to its more than 140,000 followers, tagging Bush and eight other House members associated with the progressive “Squad,” including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). AIPAC wrote, “A ceasefire now keeps these rapist monsters armed and in power in Gaza.”

Bush reshared the post, writing, “As a survivor of rape, AIPAC’s tactic of exploiting rape is outright vile and appalling. Their playbook relies on bullying, lying, harassing, belittling & intimidation to try to manipulate the public & force those calling for a ceasefire into submission. It won’t stop us.”

Adar Rubin, director of mobilization for #EndJewHatred, shared Bush’s words and wrote in response: “There can’t be any more radio silence, the backlash needs to be louder and more bipartisan. Over the past few days, Cori Bush, AOC and Rashida Tlaib have made it clear that they will not condemn Hamas’ rape and sexual violence. They need to be kicked out of the Democratic Party.”

In a House vote on Feb. 14 to condemn Hamas’s use of rape as a weapon of war, representatives joined in near unanimity except for Tlaib, who voted “present.”

As of press time, Bush’s X post has received 1.7 million views.

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