Monsey Chanukah Machete Attacker Declared Unfit for Trial

He was once arrested for punching a police horse.

While Thousands Demonstrate, Only 200 Pray at the Kotel on Eve of Yom Kippur

Police handed out fines to demonstrators who allegedly did not maintain the legal social distance or failed to wear a face mask.

Haifa Chemicals Workers Protest Ammonia Tank Closure on Eve of Passover

Haifa Chemicals workers are worried about losing their jobs on the eve of the Passover holiday.

Thousands Participate in Recreation of Temple-Era Sukkot Water Libation Ceremony in Jerusalem

The “Pouring of the Water” was an important feature of the festival of Sukkot during the times of the Temple.

1,000 Danes Form ‘Ring of Peace’ Around Copenhagen Synagogue on Sabbath

A ring of peace encircled Jewish worshipers as they prayed Saturday on Sabbath at a synagogue, this time in Denmark.

‘Rabbis for Human Rights’ Demand Restricting Hebron Purim Parade

Perhaps the RHR should sue to eliminate the entire ninth chapter in the Book of Esther from Megillah readings across Israel, seeing as it depicts how the Jews take revenge against their sworn enemies.

Cairo Genizah Project Reveals 11th Century Passover Haggadah

The Cairo Genizah International Project of the Haifa, Oxford, Princeton and Pennsylvania universities presents one of the ancient haggadahs discovered so far, opening a window to Medieval Passover customs.

Jerusalem Day at the Kotel [Photo Essay]

Jerusalem Day began at sundown on Thursday, celebrating the liberation and reunification of Israel's eternal capital.

Tillerson’s State Dept. Refusing to Celebrate Ramadan

It is difficult to ignore the influence of Jewish tradition on Muslim rituals in general and Ramadan in particular, in a kind of upping the spiritual ante on the part of the illiterate security guard who started a new religion.

KKL-JNF Shares How Children Celebrated Chanukah When the World Was Black and White

"Since its establishment about 120 years ago, KKL-JNF photographers have accompanied the Jewish communities in Israel and abroad.”

Tel Aviv to Curb Bikes on Sidewalks After Pesach

Tel Aviv is getting ready to curb biking on the city's sidewalks, and penalize those who break the law.

The Shotz Dynasty’s Lag B’Omer Bonfire on Mt. Miron

Rabbi Yoel Moscowicz, the first Rebbe of Shotz, was a fifth generation descendant of the founder of Hasidism Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov.

Lag B’Omer Bonfires at Meron Light Up Night, Brings Prayers & Music By Day...

The 6 am nightmare of police shutting down the buses and miles of traffic all gets wiped away the second the passenger reaches his destination and becomes one with the dancing crowd.

PM and Wife Sara Visit Great Synagogue of Astana in Historic Visit

PM Netanyahu and his wife visited the Great Synagogue in the capital city of Kazakhstan, Astana, "in an Islamic country that honors coexistence."

Passover, Easter Tourism to Israel Breaks All Records

All-time record high in tourist entries since the beginning of the year. 22% increase in March 2017 over last year.

3 Hurt in Mea Shearim Sukkah Collapse in Jerusalem

A 6-year-old boy was among those injured in the collapse.

Extreme Tourism: Come Watch Pascal Sacrifice on Mount Gerizim, Slaughtered Lambs and All

The signal is given the lambs are slaughtered and the process of preparing them to be roasted whole begins.

Jerusalem Police Bans Four Species from Temple Mount – They ‘Harm the Status Quo’

"In the framework of the rules of the Temple Mount, in accordance with the status quo in the area, ritual activity with overt external features, including the four species, is forbidden."

Jews Rally, Counter-Rally outside Hoenlein’s Group’s Hanukkah Party at Trump’s DC Hotel [video]

A pro-Trump protester yelled at Sharon Kleinbaum, clergywoman of LGBT Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, 'You would have been on the side of Antiochus rather than Judah the Maccabee.'

Peacemaking Arab Neighbors Freed from PA Prison for Visit to Efrat Mayor’s Sukkah

IDF official Yoav Mordechai intervened with the Palestinian Authority to free four peaceful Arab neighbors jailed for visiting the Efrat mayor's sukkah.

2nd Incident in as Many Days: Woman in Critical Condition after Choking on Chanukah...

"She was later taken by ambulance while still undergoing CPR, to the Carmel Medical Center."

COVID-19: Ukraine Cancels Pilgrimage to Rebbe Nachman in Uman This Year

"The epidemiological situation in the country and in the world does not permit one to organize and hold mass events, especially with the participation of foreigners.”

Almond Trees Are Blossoming in Israel a Month ahead of Tu BiShvat

“The warm temperatures trigger the mechanisms of the fragrant and colorful flowering, which is designed to attract pollinators."

47 Treated So Far on Mt. Meron by United Hatzalah Volunteers

"Volunteers have come from all over the country and are active around the clock to provide emergency medical care in Meron."

Prayers Needed for Founder of Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak

The public is asked to pray for the complete recovery of Moshe ben Sarah.

NFL’s Howard Katz Rejects Giants’ Plea Not to Play on Rosh HaShanah

Christians aren’t prohibited from watching TV or going to a game on Christmas the way Jews do on the high holidays.

Purim 5782 in Israel: War, Plagues, Somebody Call Batgirl

So, without any ado at all, here is this year's selection.

Zot Chanukah on Mount Meron: Farewell Dance to Festival of Lights

Zot Chanukah is a reference in Torah literature to the eighth day of Chanukah, since on that day the Torah reading includes the verse Zot Chanukat Ha'Mizbe'ach (this is the inauguration of the altar).

Sound of the Kohen Gadol’s Golden Bell Rings Again in Jerusalem [video]

Jews again hear the little bells on the hem of the High Priest's garment as he enters the Holy Temple of Jerusalem...

Ushering Out 5781: Elul Selichot Begin at the Kotel

Some time between the decline of the Jewish center in Eretz Israel and the early Medieval era we started saying Selichot as part of our annual cycle of prayers.


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